Emergency Medical Services- AAS: Paramedic | GCTC

Emergency Medical Services- AAS: Paramedic

(69 total credit hours)

Certification/Courses Credits Grade Offered
EMS 105 Emergency Medical Technical or KY EMT Certification/National Registry 6   Fall/Spring
AHS 115 Medical Terminology 3   All
BIO 135 Basic Anatomy and Physiology with lab (or BIO 137 and BIO 139)  4   All
Fall Cohort Recommended Semester 1
Courses Credits Grade
EMS 201 Principles of Paramedicine I  6  
EMS 203 Practicum I (Clinical)  1  
EMS 204 Principles Lab I  2  
EMS 205 Principles of Paramedicine III 6  
Fall Cohort Recommended Semester 2
Courses Credits Grade
EMS 202 Principles of Paramedicine II  5  
EMS 206 Practicum II (Clinical) 3  
EMS 2081 Principles of Paramedicine IV (Part 1)  4  
EMS 209 Principles Lab III 2  
Fall Cohort Recommended Semester 3 (Summer)
Courses Credits Grade
EMS 207 Principles Lab II 1  
EMS 2082 Principles of Paramedicine IV (Part 2) 2  
EMS 212 Practicum III (Field) 4  
EMS 213 Principles of Paramedicine V (Exam Prep)  2  
Fall Cohort Recommended Semester 4
Courses Credits Grade Offered
Digital Literacy - CIT 105 Introduction to Computers or OST 105 Introduction to Office Systems (or Competency demonstrated by exam)*


ENG 101 Writing I*  3   All
Heritage/Humanities General Education course (rec. PHI 110 Medical Ethics)* 3   All
MAT 151 Intro to Applied Statistics (or other AAS Quantitative Reasoning course)  3   All
Oral Communications General Education course (rec. COM 252 Introduction to Interpersonal Communications)* 3   All
PSY 110 General Psychology *  3   All
Spring Cohort Recommended Semester 1
Courses Credits Grade
EMS 201 Principles of Paramedicine I  6  
EMS 203 Practicum I (Clinical)  1  
EMS 204 Principles Lab I  2  
EMS 205 Principles of Paramedicine III 6  
Spring Cohort Recommended Semester 2 (Summer)
Courses Credits Grade
EMS 202 Principles of Paramedicine II  5  
EMS 206 Practicum II (Clinical) 3  
EMS 207 Principles Lab II 1  
Spring Cohort Recommended Semester 3
Courses Credits Grade
EMS 208 Principles of Paramedicine IV 6  
EMS 209 Principles Lab III 2  
EMS 212 Practicum III (Field) 4  
EMS 213 Principles of Paramedicine V (Exam Prep)  2  
Spring Cohort Recommended Semester 4
Courses Credits Grade Offered
Digital Literacy - CIT 105 Introduction to Computers or OST 105 Introduction to Office Systems (or Competency demonstrated by exam)*


ENG 101 Writing I*  3   All
Heritage/Humanities General Education course (rec. PHI 110 Medical Ethics)* 3   All
MAT 151 Intro to Applied Statistics (or other AAS Quantitative Reasoning course)  3   All
Oral Communications General Education course (rec. COM 252 Introduction to Interpersonal Communications)* 3   All
PSY 110 General Psychology *  3   All


  •  *General Education credits can be taken in any order, but it is recommended that the biology course(s) be taken before or as co-requisites with the first semester of EMS courses. 
  • At least 25 percent of the approved curriculum for any certificate, diploma or degree must be completed at the student’s home college.

Learn more about Gateway's General Education Offerings here.
Learn more about KCTCS General Education Offerings here.
KCTCS Catalog - Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic -  AAS