Blackboard/E Learning
Welcome to online learning at Gateway!
If you've never taken an online class, or if your looking for some tips and tricks to keep you on track, you'll find resources to help you here.
Having some issues with Blackboard Collaborate? Let's see what we can do to fix it! Contact eLearning if you're still having issues.
Make sure to access Blackboard through MyPath.
If you are having login issues, please contact Technology Support.
Most classes will be marked “unavailable” until the instructor sets it to open, which is usually on the first day of classes, but sometimes before then. NOTE: When a student enrolls in a course that uses Blackboard, he/she will not see that course listed in Blackboard until the next day due to the time it takes for processing.
Blackboard provides a “Student Support” tab at the top of the Blackboard page.
Try one of the following:
- Try a different browser: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer
- Contact the instructor and ask for assistance
- If your instructor cannot help or is unavailable, please contact the Center for eLearning during regular business hours, (859) 815-7780, gateway.elearning@kctcs.edu, or through our ticketing system.
- Contact the Blackboard Technical Help Desk: (855) 346-4282 (Option 4)
- Did student use his/her KCTCS email account?
- Has it been a full day since enrollment (24 hours)?
- Has student emailed a second time? If not, they should do this in case it slipped by the instructor.
- If student has tried several times, he/she should contact the Center for eLearning. Tell them to provide the following information.
Provide name: Joe Smith Student
Name of course and class number: ENG 102 – 55643
Instructor’s name: Sally Baker Teacher
Complete the online drop form
Center for eLearning during during regular business hours, (859) 815-7780, gateway.elearning@kctcs.edu, or through our ticketing system.