Our college offers associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates in more than 30 academic programs. With locations in Covington, Edgewood, and Florence, we can fit your schedule and meet your needs. You can begin at Gateway, and you can go anywhere! Tier One Service Topics:
Start here with one of our cutting-edge, career-focused programs or work toward transferring to one of Kentucky's public four-year colleges. Either way, you'll graduate with the knowledge and skills you need for whatever journey you choose.
- Apply online gateway.kctcs.edu
- Submit *official high school transcript or GED score sheet
- If you need a copy of your GED, you should access the website of state where the GED was awarded. You will need to provide us either your original GED or an access code provided from state website.
- Submit *official transcripts from ALL previously attended college(s)
- If you don't have previous college experience, test scores are required (EdReady, ACT, SAT, KYOTE). You can request these scores to be sent to Gateway from ACT.org, SAT.org, etc. If you don't have test scores, you can schedule a placement test here.
You can reapply online through the bottom portion of your Student self-service page.
If you have been away for more than 12 months, you will need to submit a new Gateway application.
ADM holds are most likely on your account advising you to submit official transcripts or test scores to the admission office.
- Apply to the college (online at gateway.kctcs.edu). Select Visiting/Non-Credential seeking as the program of choice.
- You will then complete a Visiting student application or Non-Credential student application which is where you will select your courses.
- Enrollment into classes is handled by the registrar's office.
- We require an unofficial transcript from your current college.
Contact the Information Commons here.
(859) 441-4500 – Option 0