Be Rewarded for what You Already Know
We realize that learning isn't limited to the inside of a classroom or to individuals of a certain age. Whether you've been working for years or you're a younger student ready to start your college experience, opportunities for receiving academic credit for college-level learning that you already know are possible.
Save Money with Credit for Prior Learning
During the 2023-24 academic year, 2,392 KCTCS students were awarded 7,357 credits for their prior learning, resulting in cost savings of $1,390,473.

Learn how students can receive course credit and the equivalent courses available for formal military training.

Portfolio Assessment
Learn more about life and work experiences that might translate into course credits.

Earn Credit by Exam
Earn college credit through various exams, such as Advance Placement (AP), Academic Testing, College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), and Special Technical Education Proficiency (STEP).

Industry-Recognized Credentials
Learn more about how a current industry credential or licensure may map over into course credits.

American Council on Education Recommendation Credit
Gain access to academic credit for formal courses and examinations taken outside traditional degree programs.

How do I earn credit for prior learning?
Find out how to get credit for your experiences.

Transparency of Credit Decisions
Understand the process for the evaluation of credit for prior learning.

Credit for Prior Learning Interest Form
Email our team for more information.