Instructions for Completing Tuition Waiver
Completed by the waiver applicant.
Please include all information as follows:
- First, middle, and last names
- Previous legal names
- House number, street name, city, state, and zip code
- Phone number, including area code
- Month, day, and year of birth
- Social Security number
- E-mail address
- Foster or adoptive father’s full name, including middle name or initial and foster or adoptive mother’s full name including maiden name
- Indicate date of high school graduation or GED Certificate
- Indicate date of anticipated entry into public postsecondary institution
- Indicate whether student has previously applied for the waiver
- Indicate whether student has served in active duty status in the military
- Check the correct eligibility criteria box
- Check box for release of information and sign and date the form
After completion of the student information section and Section 1 of the form, turn the form into the public postsecondary institution. Verification of student information may be requested.