What is Trio - Project ASPIRE?

TRIO - Project ASPIRE (Academic Support Program to Increase Retention in Education) is a federally funded TRIO Student Support Services grant designed to help students succeed in college. Our goal is to increase student success rates while reducing the graduation gaps for first generation, Pell eligible students, helping them successfully reach their goals at Gateway and explore transfer options to a four-year college or university.

You may qualify for TRIO - Project ASPIRE if you are a first-generation college student (neither parent earned a bachelor’s degree), and or meet federal income guidelines.

The goals of TRIO - Project ASPIRE are to help students:

  • stay in college,
  • be academically successful,
  • graduate and transfer to complete a bachelor degree if appropriate, and
  • increase students understanding of financial aid and personal money management.

Want to learn more? 

Make a virtual appointment now!

Why Apply?

TRIO - Project ASPIRE staff will meet with you to develop your Individual Success Plan (ISP). This plan, along with the College Student Inventory (CSI) and a one-on-one interview, helps identify services and supports you may need to be successful at college. This process encourages you to set educational/career goals, reflect on barriers you may face to completing your education and create plans to overcome these barriers.

First generation students who participate in TRIO services have a higher GPA, better persistence and higher graduation and transfer rates then their peers who do not participate in the TRIO project.

TRIO - Project ASPIRE is designed to help you build upon your academic strengths and have a successful educational experience at Gateway. All services are FREE to program participants.

Your Responsibilities

As a TRIO - Project ASPIRE student, you are required to meet with your dedicated TRIO Success Coach at least twice a semester, as well as check Gateway email regularly, maintain good academic standing (GPA of at least 2.0), utilize tutoring and other support services, participate in program activities and communicate your needs in the areas of career, education and personal support.

How to Apply

Eligibility Requirements

TRIO - Project ASPIRE is authorized to serve 200 Gateway students per academic year. The ideal ASPIRE participant is seeking an associate degree at Gateway, taking at least 6 credit hours per term and in good academic standing at the college. Participants must meet the following U.S. Department of Education guidelines:

  • be an U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States AND
  • meet federal income guidelines and/or
  • be a first-generation college student (neither parent has completed a bachelor degree)

Apply Now

The TRIO - Project ASPIRE Director will contact you using your Gateway email once your application has been received. Once accepted you will be assigned to a Project ASPIRE staff member who will support you throughout your academic career at Gateway and track your progress as you achieve your academic and personal goals.

TRIO Project ASPIRE Office Locations

Our students are served at all Gateway campus locations.

Edgewood Campus, E211 (Main Program Center)
Boone Campus, B10
Urban Metro Campus, 415

(859) 442-4159

TRIO - Project ASPIRE Services

Each semester TRIO - Project ASPIRE offers in-person or online workshops in a variety of topics, such as reading comprehension strategies, reducing test anxiety, habits of the successful college student, tips for taking tests, money management and strategies to achieve life balance. Additionally, Project ASPIRE collaborates with Gateway's Center for Academic Success, Ready to Work, and Student Resources to offer some of the workshops or to offer different topics to our participants.

TRIO - Project ASPIRE offers participants the opportunity to attend events on and off campus, University Tours and Historical Site visits that stimulate thought and promote community appreciation. ASPIRE participants do not pay a fee to attend these events!

If you are undecided or need help changing your major, we have a career interest inventory available to assist you in clarifying your career goals. We also provide coaching on job interview skills, resume writing, writing a cover letter, completing job applications, etc.

We offer our participants short-term academic, career, and personal counseling. We strive to help you define goals and maximize success in all areas of your life. We also offer referrals to outside resources when appropriate.

TRIO - Project ASPIRE offers assistance in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We help you understand and navigate the satisfactory academic progress (SAP) process.

In collaboration with the Center for Academic Success, tutoring is offered to promote your educational success. Tutoring may be offered in a small group setting or on an individual basis. We also provide workshops in study skill techniques, test preparation, and organization along with writing support and proofreading papers. Please check the tutoring schedule for the currently available dates and times.

TRIO - Project ASPIRE staff works with your advisor to help you understand degree requirements, get course descriptions, and map out a single or multi-semester plan to achieve your goal(s).

TRIO - Project ASPIRE staff can help you decide the right college to meet your academic and career needs. If there is enough student interest, we will plan a campus visit of course, free to our participants. ASPIRE can help you with completing the application and finding ways to pay the fees.

When you're a student, it can feel like money is always tight. You've got bills, rent, and tuition to pay, and you want to have enough money for fun, too. So how can you get on the right path to a great financial future, while making your money count today? Fin Literacy 101 is your real-life guide to taking charge of your money. It has online personal finance tools to help you build real-life-ready financial skills. TRIO - Project ASPIRE also collaborates with community partners to provide financial literacy seminars.

Meet the Staff

 Anita Zike Adkins Director
(859) 442-4198

Liz MalkemusTRIO Administrative Assistant
Email GW-TRIOProjectASPIRE@kctcs  for general questions.

(859) 442- 1629