Email on iPhone | GCTC

Email on iPhone

How to set up your email on your  iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches

  1. Find and open your Settings app 
  2. Scroll until you see, "Accounts & Passwords," and select it
    accounts and passwords
  3. Select "Add Account"
    add account
  4. Select "Exchange"
  5. Provide your email address and a a description that helps you recognize the account, then click, "Next"
    email and description
  6. When prompted, click "Sign In"
    sign in
  7. Provide your KCTCS authentication credentials and click, "Sign In"
    sign in with kctcs credentials
  8. Click "Accept"
  9. Lastly, click "Save"

Still need help? Contact Campus IT Support at (859) 442-4100 or by email at