Student Government Association
The goal of the Student Government Association (SGA) is to create knowledge, interest, and participation in college affairs among Gateway students. SGA is made up of students elected by their peers to represent and serve the entire student body. SGA is an integral part of Student Activities because they support many programs including Welcome Week, Activity Period, Student Resource Fair, and more!
Elections for SGA are held every April and terms last for one academic year. Students who are interested must meet all the guidelines and fill out an application to be approved.
SGA Applications are now being accepted!
What are the different SGA positions?
- 3.0 GPA
- Must be enrolled full-time – a minimum of 12 credit hours.
- Completion of 12 Credit Hours at time of taking office.
- Not on academic or disciplinary probation.
- Be willing to fulfill a two semester term (Fall and Spring)
- Hold no other primary leadership position in another student organization.
- Attend all open and closed meetings
- Attendance of additional advanced leadership training.
- Be willing to attend and support other Gateway functions.
Executive Council Duties:
- President:
- Official representative of Gateway student body
- Reports directly with Gateway Coordinator for Student Success and Engagement.
- Preside at all meetings of the SGA Executive Council.
- Appoint ad-hoc committees as necessary and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
- Attend at least three (3) meeting of the Gateway Board of Directors.
- Perform all other duties as assigned by the Gateway administration.
- Attend and support three (3) events hosted by other Gateway organizations.
- Vice President:
- Be present at all meetings of the SGA Executive Council.
- Assume the responsibilities and powers of the office of the President in the absence of the President.
- Become President should a vacancy occur.
- Perform all other duties as assigned by the SGA President.
- Attend and support two (2) events hosted by other Gateway organizations.
- Secretary:
- Be present at all meetings of the SGA Executive Council.
- Notify all members of SGA to called or regularly scheduled meetings.
- Record minutes of all called or regularly scheduled meetings and shall prepare and distribute the minutes to all SGA members and advisors.
- Treasurer:
- Be present at all meetings of the SGA Executive Council.
- Maintain accurate records of all funds relating to the SGA.
- Prepare a monthly financial report to be presented at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Council.
- Shall perform all other duties as assigned by the SGA president.
- 3.0 GPA
- Must be enrolled part-time – a minimum of 6 credit hours.
- Completion of 9 Credit Hours at time of taking office.
- Not on academic or disciplinary probation.
- Attend all open and closed meetings
- Attendance of additional advanced leadership training.
- Be willing to attend and support other Gateway functions.
Senate Duties:
- Senators:
- Serve as representatives of the Gateway student body and advocates for student organizations.
- Maintain a presence at all meetings and events and welcome guests and members at Gateway activities.
- Perform other duties as assigned by the SGA President.
SGA is always striving to incorporate new activities and events within our traditional event calendar.
Interested? Contact Lyndsey McNabb.
Apply Now