Computer & Information Technology Hub
The average salary for "cyber security analyst" ranges from $41,424 (Intelligence Analyst) to $65,992 (Security Analyst)
What is it?
Computer & Information Technology is the use and study of computers, networks, computer languages, and databases within an organization to solve real problems. This training will introduce you to applications programming, networking, systems administration, cyber security, and internet development.
Where is it?
Gateway Community & Technical College, Urban Metro Campus or online
What will I do?
- Dual-enroll with Gateway (as a college student) for two semesters and attend two full mornings per week to take these classes
- Obtain hands on experience needed to land an IT job in any industry
- Work as an entrepreneur in our student run repair shop: fix computers and operate a busines
- Learn from faculty with industry and classroom experience
- Excel in IT through the individual attention and training in our small classes
- Meet your next employer through industry partnerships and networking
- Earn a credential and go to work and/or continue to earn a 4-year degree or do both!
What benefit is it to me?
- School credits for attending Gateway
- College credits for attending Gateway
- Boost your resume - you completed a college course and earned certifications
- Have the chance to do a CIT Summer Internship
- Secure full-time or part-time employment once you graduate high school
- Tuition reimbursement (whether full-time or part-time)
- Free travel on the TANK buses for the whole school year
- Enter a career rather than a job!
- Work in banks, hospitals, manufacturing, logistics, cyber security, or work for yourself
Graduation Plan
- Complete your Associate Degree with Gateway Community & Technical College
- Cloud Computing Technologies Track
- Programming Track
- Information Security Track
- Network Administration Track
- Transfer to NKU to complete your bachelor’s degree
Next steps:
Let your career counsellor know that you are interested, and we can get you signed up
For further info, please contact Shelby Krentz (Gateway) shelby.krentz@kctcs.edu or Lorraine O’Moore (NaviGo) lomoore@learning-grove.org