Gateway Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates
Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Associate in Arts | 24.0101 |
Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Associate in Science | 24.0101 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Air Conditioning Technology | Associate in Applied Science | 47.0201 |
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Mechanic |
Diploma | 47.0201 |
Domestic Air Conditioner and Furnace Installer | Certificate | 47.0201 |
Environmental Control System Servicer | Certificate | 47.0201 |
Environmental System Repair Helper | Certificate | 47.0201 |
Refrigeration Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0201 |
Plumbing Technology, Plumber’s Helper | Certificate | 46.0503 |
Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Associate in Applied Science | 30.0000 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Automotive Parts/Service Writer Track | Associate in Applied Science | 47.0604 |
Automotive Technician Track | Associate in Applied Science | 47.0604 |
Automotive Technician | Diploma | 47.0604 |
Automatic Transmission/Transaxle Technician | Certificate | 47.0604 |
Automotive Air Conditioning Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0604 |
Automotive Electrician | Certificate | 47.0604 |
Brake Repairer | Certificate | 47.0604 |
Engine Repairer | Certificate | 47.0604 |
Front End Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0604 |
Manual Transmission/Drive Train Technician | Certificate | 47.0604 |
Tune-up Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0604 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Accounting Track | Associate in Applied Science | 52.0201 |
Human Resource Management Track | Associate in Applied Science | 52.0201 |
Management Track | Associate in Applied Science | 52.0201 |
Accounting | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Advanced Business Administration | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Business Transfer | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Entrepreneurship | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Financial Perspectives | Certificate | 52.0201 |
General Business | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Human Resource Management | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Management | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Operations Management | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Payroll Accounting Specialist | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Public Leadership | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Small Business Management | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Social Media Marketing | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Supervisory Management | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Team Leadership | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Business Communications | Certificate | 52.0201 |
Supply Chain Specialist | Certificate | 52.0203 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Cloud Computing Technologies Track | Associate in Applied Science | 11.0101 |
Information Security Track | Associate in Applied Science | 11.0101 |
Network Administration Track | Associate in Applied Science | 11.0101 |
Programming Track | Associate in Applied Science | 11.0101 |
A+ Prep | Certificate | 11.0101 |
AWS Cloud Architecting | Certificate | 11.0101 |
CIT Fundamentals | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Computer Tech Basic | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Computer Technician | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Informatics Programming | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Information Security Specialist | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Microsoft Enterprise Administrator | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Microsoft Network Administrator | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Mobile Apps Development | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Net+ Prep | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Productivity Software Specialist | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Programmer | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Security+ Prep | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Social Media Specialist | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Web Programmer | Certificate | 11.0101 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Computerized Manufacturing & Machining | Associate in Applied Science | 48.0503 |
CNC Machinist | Diploma | 48.0503 |
Machinist | Diploma | 48.0503 |
CNC Operator I | Certificate | 48.0503 |
Exploratory Machining I | Certificate | 48.0503 |
Machine Tool Operator I | Certificate | 48.0503 |
Machine Tool Operator II | Certificate | 48.0503 |
Digital Printing Technology, 3D Printing Technician | Certificate | 15.0607 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Medium and Heavy Truck Technician Track | Associate in Applied Science | 47.0605 |
Medium and Heavy Truck Technician | Diploma | 47.0605 |
Diesel Engine Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0605 |
Diesel Steering and Suspension Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0603 |
Electrical/Electronic Systems Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0605 |
Fluid Power Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0603 |
Heavy Duty Brake Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0603 |
Heavy Duty Drive Train Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0603 |
Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Mechanic Helper |
Certificate | 47.0603 |
Mobile Air Conditioning Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0605 |
Preventive Maintenance Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0605 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Construction Electrician Track | Associate in Applied Science | 46.0302 |
Industrial Electrician Track | Associate in Applied Science | 46.0302 |
Construction Electrician Track | Diploma | 46.0302 |
Industrial Electrician Track | Diploma | 46.0302 |
Automated Industrial Controls Technician Level I |
Certificate | 46.0302 |
Automated Industrial Controls Technician Level II |
Certificate | 46.0302 |
Construction Electrician Level I | Certificate | 46.0302 |
Construction Electrician Level II | Certificate | 46.0302 |
Construction Electrician Level III | Certificate | 46.0302 |
Industrial Electrician Level I | Certificate | 46.0302 |
Industrial Electrician Level II | Certificate | 46.0302 |
Voice and Data Wiring Installer Level I | Certificate | 46.0302 |
Voice and Data Wiring Installer Level II | Certificate | 46.0302 |
Voice and Data Wiring Technician | Certificate | 46.0302 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Paramedic | Associate in Applied Science | 51.0904 |
Paramedic | Certificate | 51.0904 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Energy Technologies | Associate in Applied Science | 15.1701 |
Energy Efficiency and Analysis | Certificate | 15.1701 |
Energy Efficiency Electrical Controls Technician | Certificate | 15.1701 |
Energy Utility Technician | Certificate | 15.1701 |
Outside Plant Technician | Certificate | 15.1701 |
Solar/Photovoltaic Technologies | Certificate | 15.1701 |
Utility Lineworker | Certificate | 15.1701 |
Wind System Technologies | Certificate | 15.1701 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Fire Science Technology | Associate in Applied Science | 43.0203 |
Fire Chief | Diploma | 43.0203 |
Advanced Firefighter | Certificate | 43.0203 |
Basic Fire Protection | Certificate | 43.0203 |
Basic Firefighter | Certificate | 43.0203 |
Emergency Medical Technician | Certificate | 51.0904 |
Fire Service Administration | Certificate | 43.0203 |
Hazardous Materials Technician | Certificate | 43.0203 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Health Information Technology | Associate in Applied Science | 51.0707 |
HIT Coding | Certificate | 51.0707 |
Release of Information Data Specialist | Certificate | 51.0707 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Health Science Technology | Associate in Applied Science | 51.0000 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Human Services | Associate in Applied Science | 44.0000 |
Direct Support Work | Certificate | 44.0000 |
Recovery Coach | Certificate | 44.0000 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Advanced Manufacturing Technician Track | Associate in Applied Science | 47.0303 |
Industrial Maintenance Track | Associate in Applied Science | 47.0303 |
Industrial Maintenance Technician | Diploma | 47.0303 |
Industrial Maintenance Electrical Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0303 |
Industrial Maintenance Machinists Mechanic | Certificate | 47.0303 |
Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Level I | Certificate | 47.0303 |
Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Level II | Certificate | 47.0303 |
Industrial Maintenance Robotics Technician | Certificate | 47.0303 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | Associate in Applied Science | 19.0709 |
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education | Diploma | 19.0709 |
Child Care Assistant | Certificate | 19.0709 |
Early Childhood Administrator | Certificate | 19.0709 |
Kentucky Child Care Provider | Certificate | 19.0709 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Manufacturing Engineering Technology | Associate in Applied Science | 15.0613 |
Enhanced Operator I | Certificate | 15.0613 |
Enhanced Operator II | Certificate | 15.0613 |
Fundamentals of Mechatronics | Certificate | 15.0000 |
Integrated Manufacturing Technologies | Certificate | 15.0613 |
Quality Control | Certificate | 15.0613 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Massage Therapy Technology Pathway 2 | Associate in Applied Science | 51.3501 |
Massage Therapy | Certificate | 51.3501 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Nursing-Practical Nursing, Medicaid Nurse Aide | Certificate | 51.3901 |
Nursing-Practical Nursing, Kentucky Medication Aide | Certificate | 51.3901 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Medical Assisting | Associate in Applied Science | 51.0801 |
Medical Assisting | Certificate | 51.0801 |
Phlebotomist | Certificate | 51.0801 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Nursing Modular Pathway | Associate in Applied Science | 51.3801 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Paralegal Technology | Associate in Applied Science | 22.0302 |
Civil Litigation | Certificate | 22.0302 |
Family Law | Certificate | 22.0302 |
Paralegal Technology | Certificate | 22.0302 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Tractor Trailer, CDLA I | Certificate | 49.0205 |
Academic Programs | Credentials | Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code |
Welding Technology | Associate in Applied Science | 48.0508 |
Combination Welder | Diploma | 48.0508 |
ARC Cutter | Certificate | 48.0508 |
ARC Welder | Certificate | 48.0508 |
AWS Nat’l Skills Standards Level I | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Gas Metal Arc Welding | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Gas Welder | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Pipeline Gas Metal Arc Welder | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Pipeline Gas Tungsten Arc Welder | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Pipeline Shielded Metal Arc Welder | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Production Line Welder | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Shielded Metal Arc Welder | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Tack Welder | Certificate | 48.0508 |
Welder Helper | Certificate | 48.0508 |