Proctored Testing
Many online courses require proctored essays or exams. We offer proctoring services to all distance learning students. All proctored exams are to be taken at the Testing Center on our Boone Campus.
KCTCS Students taking proctored tests
All proctored exams for KCTCS Distance Learning and KCTCS Online students must be scheduled in advance through Gateway Testing Center’s online registration webpage, here. There is no test fee associated with KCTCS Distance Learning/Online tests. After you schedule your exam, you must check with your professor to make sure they have filed the test information in the KCTCS Distant Learning Portal.
Schedule your exam here.
On Exam Day: Bring a non-expired photo ID with you. You must also know your instructor’s name,
and the name of the course and course number of the test you will be taking
(example: Mick Jagger, ENG 101).
Non-KCTCS Students taking proctored tests
All proctored exams for Non-KCTCS testers must be scheduled in advance through the Gateway Testing Center’s online registration webpage. There is a $30 fee per test that you will need to pay online using a credit/debit card. After you register, you will need to contact your instructor and have them email all test material and instructions to GW-TestingCenter@kctcs.edu.
On Exam Day: Bring a non-expired photo ID with you. Candidates are responsible for ensuring the secure delivery of their exam materials/information to the test center before their appointment.
Testing Center & Proctor Information:
Gateway Community & Technical College, Center for Advanced Manufacturing Building
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY. 41042
(859) 442-1159