Additional Resources for Tutoring
Can't find a session or a tutor that works with your schedule? Check out these online resources!
- Cengage Unlimited Free Access - Receive the perks of Cengage Unlimited, which includes many of Gateway's textbooks, online tutoring through Chegg.com, college success center, study tools, and more.
- Vital Source ebook Help - Free access to ebooks from several publishers.
- Gateway's E.A.S.Y. Resource is a great one-stop-shop for tutorials on technology and information literacy. Gateway has made it EASY for you!
- The Khan Academy is a free online tutoring resource that has videos for about every subject you can think of. Be sure to register (its free!) so that you can assess your skills and the site will provide you with the best practice questions to build on your current skill level.
- www.interactmath.com is a free math tutoring site that works directly with MyMathLab and your specific textbooks.
- www.gcflearnfree.com has easy to follow, interactive tutorials on computer basics, technology, reading, and math.