Security and safety of students, employees and the public are of the highest concern
at Gateway Community & Technical College. Until now, the college has addressed safety
and security through campus-based safety teams comprised of employees; adding student
representatives is planned for the future. The Campus Safety Team leaders form a college
safety team that is led by a retired police officer who is a fulltime faculty member.
The team annually identifies safety and security issues which have been addressed
using the limited resources available. The team has recommended that security personnel
be available on all campuses as well as increasing the use of electronic security
measures and training. Permanent and fulltime leadership in this area is needed if
the college is going to provide a comprehensive and ongoing program that addresses
the campus environments. Moreover, surveys of students and employees have indicated
an increasing awareness of the need for greater campus security and safety measures.
In fact, students and employees place improved safety and security as a high-priority
New Security Charge
The Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board of Regents, which determines KCTCS tuition and charges, has approved a security charge of $40 per semester for on-campus Gateway students. Gateway will apply the charge for the first time beginning with the Fall 2010 semester. The charge will not apply to the following types of students:
- Corrections
- Fire Rescue (off campus)
- Workforce Development (off campus)
- Dual Credit/High School (off campus)
- Dual Credit/High School (All)
- Mandatory Waiver students (Donavan, Foster, KIA, etc.)
- KCTCS Faculty and Staff
- KCTCS Spouse/Dependent
- On-line only
Why is the fee being charged now?
The college has identified safety and security as high priorities for funding for
many years. During the past several years, a comprehensive safety and security program
was developed and partially implemented. Unfortunately, state resources have not kept
pace with the rapid enrollment growth at Gateway, and resources to fund the safety
and security program complete are not available. Recent surveys of employees and students
have indicated the need to improve security. It is necessary to find resources to
fund the comprehensive program and improve security and safety on all campuses. The
college budget will support some of the program but not at levels needed. With the
additional funds provided by the security charge, significant improvements will be
made immediately, thereby creating a safer environment for everyone at Gateway.
How will students pay the charge?
It will be collected at the same time as tuition. Students receiving financial aid
will be able to use their financial aid awards to pay for the charge.
How will the security charge be used?
Funds collected from the security charge will be used to implement a comprehensive safety and security program on all campuses. This includes hiring a full-time safety director to focus on safety and security through ongoing training of employees and students, increasing the number of security personnel, increasing electronic monitoring on all campuses and developing and implementing emergency management processes and practices, including improved collaboration with local emergency responders. The college safety team will advise and work with the safety director and will annually update the college safety and security plan, evaluate its effectiveness and make improvements. An accounting of the security fund will be posted annually on the college website.