DEI Curriculum Menu | GCTC

DEI Curriculum Menu

you can make a difference

Many of our students are considered non-traditional students. Non-traditional students are adult learners who have been out of school for a while, have families to take care of, work part-time or full-time, etc. Often non-traditional students do not have extra time to get involved in attending extracurricular activities, events, or trainings.

Due to the many barriers that can hinder our students from attending extracurricular activities, events, or trainings, all students can receive education and awareness in the classroom. Gateway faculty and staff can make a difference by incorporating one of the menu options into their courses and ensuring students receive important information that will help them in their personal lives and their career. 


The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education requires Kentucky higher education institutions to provide a culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). One of the many ways to ensure that Gateway offers education and awareness to all students is by incorporating DEI education into classes. To fulfill this requirement, Gateway's DEI center created a curriculum menu to help faculty implement DEI education and awareness into their courses. We encourage faculty to pick one of the menu options provided and attend DEI training. For DEI training, look out for our DEI PD training calendar.

Why DEI Education & Awareness Is Important 

DEI education and awareness is important for students to learn basic skills and gain an understanding that will help them build relationships, network with others who are different from them, and grasp an understanding of different cultures that will help them be efficient communicators and leaders.

let's make a difference! Pick one that works for you.

Attend a training on how to facilitate diversity discussions in your classes first and later lead a provided discussion/activity in your classes yourself. Check the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion professional development menu for training dates and times.

Have the CARE Management program incorporated into your classes. Contact the DEI center to get us scheduled to attend your classes for 1 hour. Contact the DEI office for additional information about the program. This option is great if you:

  •  Want your students to receive a full awareness program.


  • Do not want to cancel a class. Don't cancel that class! 

Have a DEI center member attend your class and present on a 20 minute DEI topic.

Presentation topics:

  • Implicit/Explicit Bias
  • Microaggressions
  • Cultural Competency
  • Understanding Gender

Have Questions? Contact the DEI Center by emailing