Faculty & Staff | GCTC

All Your Favorite Links in One Place

Thank you for your hard work, and all that you do for our students. We couldn’t do it without you! We've compiled a list of important faculty and staff resources to help save you time as you plan coursework, counsel students and share your talents with the community.


From Email to Office 365, from Blackboard to PeopleSoft, your path to the right information is super easy thanks to Single Sign-on in MyPath.

The Daily Brew

The Gateway Daily Brew (Only accessible to Gateway Employees)

Current Job Postings

Interested in another position within KCTCS? Explore job openings across all our colleges at anytime!

Desk Reference Guide

Looking for the Academic Calendar? Can't find the Course Catalog? Look no further! We have you covered.

Faculty & Staff Directory

Find a full listing of our faculty and staff and the best way to contact them! 

Behavioral Intervention Team

The Gateway Behavioral intervention Team supports Gateway's overall goal to provide a safe and supportive environment by facilitating a See Something, Say Something culture at the college. Report a concern here.

KCTCS Brand Guide

Be a Guardian of the Brand. Use the KCTCS Brand Guide to create unified materials that inspire students, community members, employers and donors. 

Student Conduct Reporting Form

Use this form to report an incident with a student. This is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service: Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. If you require emergency assistance, please call 911.

Discrimination, Harassment, and Title IX Reporting Form

Gateway has a zero tolerance for illegal discrimination of any kind. Any student who thinks that he/she/they/them may have been discriminated against or subjected to harassment by students or employees due to race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, martial status, religion, beliefs, political affiliation, veteran status, age or disability has the right to pursue a discrimination grievance.

Student Choice Awards

Meet the winners of the Student Choice Awards process that recognizes outstanding performance by faculty and staff.