SAP Appeal Instructions
If your financial aid is suspended you need to need to file a SAP Appeal Request. Following are the reasons you could suspend:
- Earn (pass) less than two-thirds (67%) of all credits you attempt
- Have less than a cumulative 2.0 GPA
- Have attempted more than 150 percent of the credits required for your program of study (MTF). Example, your Associate Degree is 60 credit hours to complete. If you attempt more than 90 credit hours (150% of your 60 hour program), your financial aid would suspend.
You may file a SAP Appeal Request to be considered for financial aid reinstatement explaining the unusual circumstances that were a factor in not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- Complete a FAFSA for the academic year in which you plan to enroll.
- Complete the SAP Appeal Request, which is located on your Student Self-Service under Financial Aid.
- You should turn in documentation of any unusual circumstances by uploading it to your SAP Appeal
Request form. Examples of unusual circumstances include:
- Illness
- Accident
- Death in your family
- Submit completed Appeal Request through your Student Self-Service. If you are appealing for MTF, you should work with your Advisor to complete a Plan of Action (PLOA) and turn it in to the financial aid office. It will be reviewed with your appeal.
Please note: You, the student, are responsible for payment arrangements for your tuition and books pending an appeal decision. Appeal decisions are sent to your Gateway student email.