Nursing Students Enrollment Request
The Enrollment Request Form for Nursing is to request the addition of co-requisite and/or pathway (RN to BSN) courses to your schedule (i.e., PHI 110 – Medical Ethics or PSY 223 – Developmental Psychology). This form should not be used for NSG courses; NSG courses will be automatically added to your schedule by the Nursing Department.
Contact us with any questions at gw-healthprofessions@kctcs.edu
- Review the program requirements & suggested BSN pathway courses.
Co-requisites Subject Course Name Notes BIO 139 Human Anatomy & Physiology II Must be taken with level 1 or before admission BIO 225 Medical Microbiology Must be taken with level 3 or before admission ENG 101 Writing I Must be taken with level 2 or before admission PHI 110 Medical Ethics Recommended course option, but there are other courses to fulfill the heritage/humanities requirement to complete AAS BSN Pathway Courses Subject Course Name Notes ANT 160 Cultural Diversty in the Modern World Not Required at Gateway, needed for general education certification. Meets cultural studies requirement.
There are other courses to fulfill the non-PSY social behavioral requirement for general education certification.COM 181 OR COM 252 Public Speaking OR Interpersonal Communications Not Required at Gateway, needed for general education certification and required in most bachelor degrees.
Requires only one of the two.ENG 102 Writing II Not Required at Gateway, needed for general education certification and required in most bachelor degrees HIS 101 OR HIS 102 World Civilization I OR World Civilization II Not Required at Gateway, needed for general education certification and required in most bachelor degrees. Meets cultural studies requirement. There are other courses to fulfill the heritage requirement for general education certification.
Required only one of the two.PSY 223 Developmental Psychology Not Required at Gateway, but required course in the Gateway2NKU Pathway STA 251 Applied Statistics Not Required at Gateway, but required course in the Gateway2NKU Pathway and other BSN Pathways - View the class schedule.
- Complete the enrollment request below:
Make financial arrangements to pay for your classes. BSN pathway courses may not be eligible for federal student aid.
Enrollment will be confirmed through email within 3 business days if all information is included.