Share your Story
There is no one-face to Gateway. We have a very diverse population. Some students are currently high school students; some are single parents; some are full-time employees; some are first-time college students; some of you had to overcome substantial barriers. Everyone who comes to Gateway has a different past and different struggles, but what you all have in common is you wanted more out of your situation. Whoever you are, wherever you came from, whatever your story, Gateway is here for you.
Now, it is time for you to tell your story, how you got your start at Gateway and how Gateway has helped you create a better life. I challenge you now to tell people about your experience. Tell your story to someone in the checkout line at Kroger; someone at your church; someone at your child’s soccer game. Tell people your Gateway story, so they may be able to create a better life here. You never know how your story could inspire someone else to rewrite their own.