September 5, 2024, Agenda and Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Convening Center, Room B123
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
Thursday, September 5, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
Before Meeting is Called to Order – OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEW BOARD MEMBERS
Michelle Hughes
Olivia Keller
Col Owens
Agnes VanderPutten
Chair John Baines called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present.
Baines presented a Proclamation of Appreciation for Erik Hermes. His term ended in 2023, but he stayed on to serve because of his commitment and generosity. Erik thanked everyone for a great experience on the board. - MISSION MOMENT
Dr. Figueroa introduced Mike Weber, who is a Gateway graduate and Gateway employee. He is a decorated retired military marine. He joined our full-time staff in January 2024 as maintenance technician after he completed our Air Conditioning Technology Associate degree program. Mike graduated with a 4.0 GPA and was a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society. Mike shared that he found Gateway when he was looking into pursuing a career in the trades. He liked the option of earning a degree in addition to technical certificates.
One of his instructors had also been a Gateway maintenance technician and suggested that Mike apply for the position he now holds. Mike tells everyone who asks him about Gateway that every instructor and staff person is very personable and supportive. When asked about the difference between being a student and an employee at Gateway, he said that as a student he was focused on his courses, while as an employee he is focused on the students. His job is to make sure that students have what they need to succeed in the classroom, and he helps out any way that he can. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES
Chair Baines called for a motion to approve the minutes from the May 23, 2024, meeting. Upon motion by Maddi Kues, and seconded by Charlie Coleman, a vote was taken to approve the May 23, 2024, minutes as presented. The vote was unanimous to approve with abstentions by four new board members having no knowledge of the prior meeting. - ANNUAL REAFFIRMATION OF CODE OF ETHICS
Chair Baines called for a motion to affirm the Code of Ethics. Upon motion by Olivia Keller, and seconded by Col Owens, a vote was taken to affirm the Code of Ethics. The vote was unanimous to approve. Each board member present will sign the copy to be put in permanent record. The absent board member will be sent an individual signature page to return to be kept on file. - COMMITTEE REPORTS
- Nominating committee
Committee Chair Coleman reported that the committee met and recommends Larry Brown for board chair. The vice-chair and secretary positions were not discussed by the committee, due to multiple open board seats when the committee met. Chair Baines requested self-nominations for those positions, which may be submitted before or at the October annual meeting. Baines will send an email to gauge interest in committees for assignments at the annual meeting.
- Nominating committee
Chair Baines said that the annual meeting includes the renewal of committee statements of purpose. They will be provided ahead of time and are a one paragraph overview of the committee that each committee chair can update or carry over. The 2025 meeting dates will be ready for consideration before the annual meeting.
He shared findings from the Good Jobs 2030 report by the Georgetown Center of Education and the Workforce, sent by Correy Eimer, the Executive Director of the NKY Workforce Investment Board (NKWIB). Chair Baines spoke in the context of what Gateway is doing as a college and the notion of sustainable wages that allow a graduate to find a good job that provides the opportunity for reliable housing and transportation to take care of a family. The report says that getting a job isn’t good enough, with a “good job” defined as a minimum of $43,000 up to a median of $74,000 for a 25-44 year old, increasing for older workers. Gateway’s focus is on jobs in the middle skills pathway. Half of middle skill jobs meet the “good job” criteria. There are concerns with demographic challenges and a decline in college going rates. Gateway has taken on these challenges with success, but they continue to affect the region. These are areas for the board to study and consider as Gateway determines where it fits in the four-year degree pathway. Gateway provides education in modular options for pathways to various levels of education while students participate in the workforce. - PRESIDENT’S REPORT
Dr. Fernando Figueroa introduced the Executive Leadership Team and other employees in attendance. Figueroa shared that he plans to inform the board with relevant updates and present a series of Get to Know Gateway sessions to inform the board.
Dr. Figueroa introduced Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Teri VonHandorf and Vice President Christi Godman to give an enrollment and budget update. As of today, Gateway has 5006 students enrolled and expects to break the school record with final numbers at the end of the semester. The leadership team has focused on using data to plan staffing and set enrollment goals, and this has validated the trends and timing of enrollment. Dr. VonHandorf discussed trends in enrollment and the use of data to make confident projections for budgeting purposes. Christi Godman reported that the budget is based on enrollment, and Gateway’s income exceeded the expenditures in the 2024 fiscal year. This fall semester is the beginning of fiscal year 2025, with tuition making up 57% of revenue and state appropriation at 29%. Reviewed the revenue drivers and expenses. Looking at the revenue pie chart, tuition is 57% of our revenue. Godman reviewed the expense categories and answered questions about the required reserve, fund balance, trends in state appropriation, dual credit tuition, and student debt.
Dr. Figueroa spoke about Senate Joint Resolution 179 (SJR179.) This legislation calls for a review of the Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS) in collaboration with Kentucky’s Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE.) SJR179 includes eleven areas of focus, which Dr. Quarles has assigned to five work groups led by KCTCS college presidents. The teams are researching options and will present recommendations to the Board of Regents. Dr. Quarles will present the selected proposals to the General Assembly.
Dr. Figueroa shared his presidential priorities for 2024-2025 that are referenced for his evaluation by the board in May. These were developed at the Executive Leadership Team (XLT) summer retreat. They are:
Internal culture – communication and transparency
Student experience – onboarding and engagement with stop-out students.
Student career navigation – is a priority in SJR179 and with financial aid awards.
Dr. Figueroa presented the first of the Get to know Gateway series with a broad framework to explain the what, when, how, where, and why of Gateway. Gateway is the backbone of Northern Kentucky workforce development, a pathway to prosperity, and a community catalyst. It is the cornerstone of NKY’s economic growth. Gateway was created in 1988/1989 with House Bill 1, and now SJR 179 provides the opportunity to recreate it. Gateway students can earn diplomas, certificates, and degrees that enable them to go straight to work and transfer to get a four-year degree. Gateway provides customized workforce training for local businesses. Gateway has four locations and provides training at high schools and online. Gateway is a valued and recognized partner in the region to support our community. The mission is to engage, connect, and inspire the student, each other, and the board. The strategic plan is to be accessible, supportive, relevant, and sustainable. It’s our “3 by 4.” - ADJOURNMENT
Chair Baines called the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Important Dates to Remember
Board Meetings 2024
October 24 - Annual Meeting
December 12