May 23, 2024, Agenda and Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Convening Center, Room B123
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
Chair John Baines called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present. - MISSION MOMENT
Dr. Figueroa introduced Marcia Travis to the board to speak about her experience as a Gateway student. She completed her GED with Adult Ed at Gateway this year. She was nominated for Adult Ed Student of Distinction for 2023-2024. She shared that she became pregnant in high school and was not allowed to graduate. Years later, as a single parent, she decided to go back to school. She went to Gateway and met Gina DeWard who assisted her through the process of enrolling and completing her classes. She obtained her GED and certificate for nurse aid. She plans to continue her education at Gateway this fall to earn an associate’s degree. She thanked everyone at Gateway for supporting her and including her, which gave her the confidence she needed to accomplish and set more educational goals. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES
Chair Baines asked for any discussion of the April 11, 2024, meeting minutes. There being none, he called for a motion to approve the minutes from the April meeting. Upon motion by Madeline Kues, and seconded by Dr. Paul Klein, a vote was taken to approve the April 11, 2024, minutes. The vote was unanimous to approve. - COMMITTEE REPORTS
- Finance and Facilities Committee –
Committee Chair Hermes asked Christi Godman to present the 2024-2025 operating budget. The business office worked with the finance committee and focused on the strategic priorities of the college to develop the proposed budget. She noted items that are pending finalization by the KCTCS Board of Regents at the June meeting. Strategic non-recurring investments to advance the college utilize part of the fund balance which has increased over the last 4 -5 years. Paul Tontillo presented the key assumptions:- Allowance for Tuition +1.6 % increase
- Credit Hours increase +2.4%, driven by SEM plans and new programs
- State appropriation increase +0.9%
- Dual credit waivers funded at steady 50% (in the state budget bill)
- Allowance for Salaries up to +3% recurring (pending BOR)
- Adjunct pay increase +6.7% recurring
- Department discretionary budget +3% increase, where indicated for enrollment, usage, inflation
- Draw -$1,297,000 non-recurring from Fund Balance for XLT strategic investments, including new faculty roles to enable continued enrollment growth, a new CDL truck, security upgrades, and continuing employee tuition reimbursement.
Committee Chair Hermes read Budget Resolution 01-2023-2024 for FY2024-2025. It states:
“The President of the College has presented to the Board of Directors’ Finance and Facilities Committee the proposed revenue and expenditure plan for FY2024-25 of $41,324,700 which consists of $28,060,400 in unrestricted funds and $13,264,300 in restricted funds. The plan includes funds to meet the most pressing needs as identified by the college’s Strategic Plan. The Finance and Facilities Committee presented the budget assumptions, projected revenues, and projected expenditures in a regular meeting of the Gateway Board of Directors on May 23, 2024.
The Gateway Community & Technical College Board of Directors formally voted to approve for submission to the KCTCS System President and Board of Regents the proposed FY2024-25 revenue and expenditure plan. This action was approved by the Board on this 23rd day of May 2024.”
Upon motion by Chair Baines, and seconded by Dr. Paul Klein, a roll call vote was taken to approve Resolution 01-2023-2024. The vote was 4 approve and 1 present. - Performance Evaluation of the President Committee
Board Chair Baines spoke about the summary evaluation of Dr. Figueroa in the board packet and said that while comments overall indicated a lower review than in the prior year, there were few comments provided on the evaluations to give feedback. There were mixed reactions in the category of communication regarding the system office. He noted that it is difficult to give clear communication when there is a lack of clarity and constant change at the system office. There was discussion about using an executive session for the review conversation, the use of committee meetings for discussion, the role of the board as designed to be advisory, and the benefit of having empty board seats filled with appointees.
Chair Baines called for a motion to approve the summary as presented, and to send it to KCTCS President Quarles, as instructed. Upon motion by Charles Coleman, and seconded by Erik Hermes, a vote was taken to approve the President’s Performance Evaluation Summary as presented. The vote was unanimous to approve.
Chair Baines will email the summary to KCTCS President Quarles by the deadline.
- Finance and Facilities Committee –
Chair Baines highlighted the Gateway Commencement celebration which is a wonderful opportunity for families to mark a significant milestone of accomplishment. He attended the Foundation Gateway to Greatness luncheon that honored community leader Bob Heil. - PRESIDENT’S REPORT
Dr. Figueroa spoke about the recent celebrations of student success including the Nurse pinning and TRIO-Project ASPIRE (Academic Support Program to Increase Retention in Education) celebration of first generation graduates, and Commencement. Tess Burns shared results of the Gateway to Greatness fundraiser, which raised $52,000 with more than 200 attendees and 19 sponsors. Dr. VonHandorf presented an enrollment report to wrap up FY 2024. The spring semester was over the goal in credit hours and headcount. This is the fifth consecutive term of exceeding the enrollment target. There are new data tools available to identify enrollment opportunities. Gateway has been using new scheduling software for a full year and is working on constantly refining our marketing efforts and student communication plans. The strategic enrollment management team continues to analyze data to identify areas of opportunity or improvement. Gateway and Madisonville are piloting sharing our online paralegal programs. Both colleges will reduce offerings in traditionally low-enrolled higher level courses, by coordinating which college offers which course and enrolling students accordingly. The fall semester enrollment is above year-to-date numbers from last year. There was discussion in answer to a question about the paralegal program.
Dr. Figueroa gave an update on the Senate Joint Resolution 179 (SJR179). It requires that KCTCS research and make recommendations around 11 topics. KCTCS has established five task force committees to study the SJR179 topics and provide data and recommendations in response by the December 2024 deadline. The five work group topics are Governance and Organization, Academic Programming, Student Pathways, Affordability, and Administrative Processes. The Governance and Organization work group has started its research and held a special Board of Regents meeting to present background information. Dr. Figueroa shared that he is chairing the Student Pathways workgroup. The primary goal of that group is a state-wide plan for workforce involving KCTCS.
Dr. Figueroa shared that one-on-one meetings with Dr. Figueroa and each board member will be scheduled over the summer months. - ADJOURNMENT
Chair Baines called the meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Important Dates to Remember
Board Meetings 2024:
- September 5
- October 24 - Annual Meeting
- December 12