April 11, 2024, Agenda and Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Convening Center, Room B123
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
- Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call
Chair John Baines called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present. - Mission Moment
Dr. Figueroa introduced Haley Anderson, the board student representative. Anderson has a Gateway associate degree in Computerized Manufacturing and is also earning a degree in Welding Technology. She is a graduate of Conner High School and The Boone County Area Technology Center. She is leading and serving at Gateway as a student ambassador, Student Government Association president, and vice chairperson for the American Welding Society board.
While she was in high school, she started learning about the trades through a dual credit class at Gateway. Since she loved that experience, as a high school graduate she decided to enroll in Gateway in the manufacturing and machining program. She became a student ambassador, earned a manufacturing and machining degree, and continued at Gateway for a welding degree. Welding was more of a challenge, but she asked for help, received support from faculty and her family, and put in the work to complete the program. Along the way, she took on leadership roles, including a second term as student representative on the board of directors. Anderson is proud of her accomplishments and thankful for everyone who helped her achieve them.
Chair Baines congratulated her and thanked her for persevering. Dr Figueroa announced that she will be the student speaker at Commencement. Dr. Klein commended her for asking for help and doing the work to graduate. - Approval of Minutes – February 8, 2024
Chair Baines asked for discussion of the draft minutes from the February 8, 2024, board meeting. There being none, he called for a motion to approve the minutes from the February 8, 2024, meeting. Upon motion by Erik Hermes, and seconded by Haley Anderson, a vote was taken to approve the February 8, 2024, minutes as presented. The vote was unanimous to approve. - Committee Reports
Chair Baines asked each committee chair to present for their committee.- Finance and Facilities Committee Committee Chair Erik Hermes shared that work on the budget is moving forward and the Gateway staff is doing a fantastic job.
- Performance Evaluation of the President Committee
Chair Baines reviewed the process that will take place between tonight and the May meeting for the performance evaluation summary statement that will be sent to Dr. Quarles. He asked for board members to participate in the committee to review the evaluation forms. He asked all board members to complete the evaluation form that is in the meeting packet and send it to Jane by April 25. The committee will meet within a week of that to draft the summary. The vote to approve will be at the May 23 board meeting.
- Chairperson’s Report
Chair Baines spoke about Gateway’s superpower being students who are preparing for their next step in the workforce. Increasing enrollment and improving student success are the ways the board and the institution can make the biggest impact. In the community college system in Kentucky, Gateway is always one of the leaders. Gateway understands the needs of the community and how to align programs with the needs of the region’s employers. Gateway can improve the success rate of the underserved student population. Enrollment of underserved students is strong, and Gateway is taking strategic steps to improve student success. Baines said, “If we are not doing our best to get everyone in the boat and sailing forward, then we are not doing our job as the board.” We are here to make a difference in the community. - President’s Report
Dr. Figueroa spoke about positive results for Gateway and KCTCS in the legislative budget cycle that is finishing now. In summary, there were increases in performance funding, work ready scholarships, a new scholarship for refugees, inflation assistance, and support for insurance increases. TRAINS funding was not increased, but Dr. Quarles will be determining why it didn’t pass.
Dr. Figueroa presented details on the senate joint resolution 179 that passed this session. The resolution covers eleven areas that the legislature has requested that KCTCS study and report back with suggestions for improvement in December 2024. The areas that will be analyzed are:- Academic programming and training offerings
- Comprehensive workforce plan with career counseling and experiential learning.
Gateway is developing Gateway Pathway Services (GPS) to help students find and complete their pathway to transfer or to careers. - The KCTCS geographic footprint
- Single system accreditation
- Governance reform – including the KCTCS Board of Regents and the college boards.
To be answered are questions concerning if there should be more specific representation from key sectors in Kentucky in the governing board of regents or should the college boards be changed. - KCTCS funding model
The KCTCS funding model is different from that of the universities in Kentucky. There is an internal formula for the dispersal of the KCTCS money to the community colleges, and it is designed to not damage smaller colleges or those with demographic shifts. - Tuition rates
- Personnel system
- Effectiveness and affordability of dual credit
- Transferability of associate degrees to four-year institutions
- Outdated or conflicting statutory language
KCTCS still needs clarity on some of the items but is looking forward to using this process to develop a plan for the future of the system and the state. This will require a comprehensive look at how the regional universities work the KCTCS colleges for transfers. It will also be important to understand how the KCTCS colleges work with K-12 schools to develop pathways and opportunities for all students.
Dr. Figueroa then spoke about KCTCS President Quarles’ visit to Gateway on April 1 as part of his tour of all KCTCS colleges. He spoke to and met with community leaders and elected officials, toured the Edgewood and Boone campuses, and conducted a listening session with faculty and staff. He said he had fun and was impressed by how many people were wearing Gateway branded clothing. Dr. Figueroa thanked Gateway’s Tess Burns and Christi Godman for organizing the day.
Dr. Figueroa shared an update on EducateNKY, which is an off shoot of the OneNKY alliance. EducateNKY has collected data on all of the area school districts and found that in all districts there is a middle school learning drop off. They are working to identify the causes and create interventions. The group has formed sub-committees to examine the school district study results. Dr. Figueroa is serving on the secondary school career awareness for long-term success team.
Dr. Figueroa updated the board on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) problem in the United States. The federal government tried to update and simplify it, but the updates introduced new problems. Students applying now are not being informed of the amount of federal aid they are to receive. If the problem remains unresolved, it may decrease Gateway’s fall enrollment. Dr. Quarles is communicating with elected officials at all levels to mitigate the effect on Kentucky students. Although the state and schools have no control of the process, Gateway is tracking student applications and trying to be prepared. Gateway’s emphasis on collecting and using enrollment data over the last few years will help the Strategic Enrollment Team analyze what is happening in the next few months.
- Adjournment
Before adjourning, Chair Baines reminded the board members about the financial aid information form that should be completed and returned after this meeting.
He said that board giving (to the Gateway Foundation) has a substantial impact on the Foundation’s ability to secure grants. For the current year, the board is at 40% participation. He reminded the board that there is no minimum amount required. The Foundation is looking for 100% participation to demonstrate support by the Gateway Board. Tess Burns is here tonight to answer any questions.
He reminded the board of two upcoming college events, the Commencement ceremony on May 9 and the next board meeting on May 23.
Chair Baines called the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Important Dates to Remember
Board Meetings 2024:
- May 23
- September 5
- October 24 - Annual Meeting
- December 12
Commencement 2024 - May 9