October 19, Agenda and Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, October 19, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
room B123/Convening Center, Center for Advanced Manufacturing,
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
- Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call
Chair John Baines called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present. - Mission Moment
Dr. Figueroa introduced Amber Birch, a current Gateway student in the nursing program. She is very involved with her job as a Peer Mentor for the Counseling department and helping with the Food for Thought Pantry. She participates in activities with TRIO-Project Aspire, which is a first-generations student support grant. She previously volunteered at the Cincinnati Zoo in the CREW Research Department. She also works as a medical assistant at a homeless medical recovery center in Cincinnati.
Board members asked Birch about campus organizations and thanked her for presenting. - Board Self-Evaluation
Chair Baines distributed the results of the board self-evaluation to the board. The self-evaluation was sent to each board member as a survey for the measurement of each board member and of the board. Questions included the board’s understanding of the constituency, the ethical operation of the board, and level of working with the President. The questions were all answered on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest or best rating. Some questions received the highest marks from all board members, and some questions received a mix of 3’s and 4’s. He referred to the answers to the open ended questions as starting points for future discussion. - Annual Statements of Purpose
Chair Baines said that because of the shorter time between the September and October annual meetings, there are essentially the same statements of purpose. He proposed eliminating the Governance committee because the work of that committee is not a standing requirement. The bylaws are not changed very often and the self-evaluation can be in the executive committee as well as any other responsibilities that might have been in the Governance committee. He suggested modifying the statement of purpose of the Strategic Planning Development committee. He would remove the first paragraph and add the following statement.
The committee shall provide the board with regular reports with the intent of showing how different areas of the college are putting the plan into action and the impact it is having.
He asked if there was any discussion and clarified the changes he proposed. He asked for a motion to approve the committee statements of purpose as modified per discussion. Charlie Coleman made the motion and Paul Klein seconded. The motion passed with three in favor and one opposed. - Proposed 2024 Meeting Schedule
Chair Baines presented the draft 2024 meeting schedule that was sent to the board members before the meeting. He asked if there was anything to discuss about the dates. There was no discussion.
He called for a motion to approve the 2024 meeting schedule as presented. Upon motion by Larry Brown and seconded by Charlie Coleman, a vote was taken to approve the 2024 meeting schedule as presented. The vote was unanimous to approve. - Chairperson's Report
Chair Baines said he appreciates the board members and the effort and genuine appreciation they put into the college. He said the board members are always looking for ways to be better and improve the college. - President's Report
Dr. Figueroa expressed appreciation for the board and the way they look out for the college. He spoke about the new President of the Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS), Dr. Ryan Quarles. Dr. Figueroa is looking forward to how he translates KCTCS language to the Kentucky General Assembly and gives KCTCS a stronger voice. He hopes that Dr. Quarles will be able to visit Gateway and meet the board. Dr. Figueroa shared that he has met with various representatives from the Northern Kentucky caucus to build a relationship and open conversation about current issues.
Dr. Figueroa spoke about concepts of general education courses and degrees. At Gateway, every course is aligned within the academic programs to advance the student toward achieving certificates, degrees and/or transfer for advanced degrees. Gateway is focusing on ten essential skills in alignment with the Kentucky Council on Post-Secondary Education (CPE) graduate profile in the Gateway Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) to help students think collaboratively and be prepared for continuous learning. The core competencies will allow them to apply their skills to their chosen fields and careers. There are ongoing efforts to embed competencies in all course curricula. Advisors work with students to streamline their pathways to their desired career goals while being able to navigate the constantly changing world of work. The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has formalized dual credit planning with KCTCS to fit the courses into degree plans and guarantee dual credit course rigor. Discussion included consistency of dual credit courses within degree plans across all of the Kentucky community and technical colleges and the design of the KY FAME apprenticeship program integrating critical soft skills within the technical classes. KCTCS allows students to stack credentials, map their shortest pathway to transferring to earn a bachelor’s degree, and find meaningful work.
Dr. Figueroa introduced the Gateway LEAD XIV participants who were in attendance. LEAD stands for leadership, enrichment, and development. It is a year-long program for Gateway faculty and staff. - Approval of Minutes - September 7, 2023
Chair Baines called for a motion to approve the minutes from the September 7, 2023, meeting. Upon motion by Larry Brown, and seconded by Charlie Coleman, a vote was taken to approve the September 7, 2023, minutes as presented. The vote was unanimous to approve. - Adjournment
Chair Baines called the meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
Approved: signature on file
Secretary to the Board
Important Dates to Remember
Board Meetings 2023 - November 30