May 18, 2023, Agenda and Minutes | GCTC

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May 18, 2023, Agenda and Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, May 18, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
room B123/Convening Center, Center for Advanced Manufacturing,
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042

Board Members Present: 

Haley Anderson

John Baines

Charles Coleman

Dr. Justin Ervin  

Erik Hermes

Madeline Kues

Board Members Absent: 

Larry Brown

Gateway and KCTCS Faculty and Staff Present:

Phil Dischar, Manager of Media and Marketing

Dr. Fernando Figueroa, President/CEO

Christi Godman, Associate Vice President, Workforce Solutions

Amy Hatfield, Associate Vice President, Human Resources

Adrijana Kowatsch, Vice President Development and External Relations

Michael Orr, Director of Development

Doug Penix, Associate Vice President for Academic Services

David Schoenling, Information Technology Project Manager

Nicole Stout, Senior Administrative Assistant

Paul Tontillo, Director of Budget & Fiscal Services

Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs

Ms. Ingrid Washington, Vice President, Student Affairs


Adisyn Donk, Gateway graduate

Chase Donk

Chastity Donk


  1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call
    Chair John Baines called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. Dr. Justin Ervin attended via Teams. The record will reflect that a quorum was present.
  2. Mission Moment
    Dr. Figueroa introduced Adisyn Donk to the board. She graduated last week with an associate degree in welding technology. She is a recipient of the KCTCS All Academic Award. She is continuing to study at Gateway to earn associate degrees in business administration and science. She plans to transfer to NKU to get a bachelor’s degree in mechanical and manufacturing engineering technology. Her goal is to take the Ohio State University master’s course to become a welding engineer. She spoke about the inspiration and support the welding instructors Will Donahue and Nick Steffen provided. Her Gateway experience gives her confidence in her future, and she believes Gateway offers all students a path to pursue education and career opportunities. 

  3. Approval of Minutes - March 30, 2023
    Chair Baines called for a motion to approve the minutes from the March 30, 2023, meeting. Upon motion by Erik Hermes, and seconded by Madeline Kues, a vote was taken to approve the March 30, 2023, minutes. The vote was unanimous to approve.

  4. Committee Reports

    A.         Finance and Facilities Committee
    The budget was discussed at a committee meeting on Friday, May 12, and the committee recommends approval by the board. Paul Tontillo presented the budget details for the fiscal year 2023-2024. The key assumptions are:

    •                   Allowance for Tuition +2.2% increase (pending BOR)

    •                  If BOR does not approve, then plan to cover -$270K with Fund Balance

    •                  Allowance for Salaries up to +3% recurring (pending BOR)

    •                  Credit Hours increase +2.3%, driven by SEM plans and new programs

    •                  Draw -$1,200,000 non-recurring from Fund Balance for XLT strategic investments

    Tontillo shared the sources of revenue and expense, with the largest expenses being instruction, followed by student support in the form of student services and financial aid.

    After discussion, Chair Hermes read Budget Resolution 02-2022-2023 for FY2023-2024. It states: The President of the College has presented to the Board of Directors’ Finance and Facilities Committee the proposed revenue and expenditure plan for FY2023-24 of $39,688,700 which consists of $26,811,100 in unrestricted funds and $12,877,600 in restricted funds. The proposed plan includes funds to meet the most pressing needs as identified by the college’s Strategic Plan. The Gateway Community & Technical College Board of Directors’ Finance and Facilities Committee presented the budget assumptions, projected revenues, and projected expenditures for FY2023-24 in a regular meeting of the Gateway Board of Directors on May 18, 2023

    Upon motion by Erik Hermes, and seconded by Charlie Coleman, a roll-call vote was taken to approve Resolution 02-2022-2023. The vote was unanimous to approve.

    B.         Strategic Planning Development Committee 
    Board Chair Baines said that the committee met to discuss what the role of the committee should be relative to the strategic plan. The committee plans to highlight one of the four themes of the strategic plan and present the focus areas to the full board. Key performance indicators used by the committee are aggregate measures, but it is important to remember what was evident at Commencement -- that the student body is made up of very diverse individuals. Success for individual students is difficult to measure in the aggregate. The college needs to continue to implement strategies that work best for each student.

    C.         Performance Evaluation of the President Committee
    Board Chair Baines distributed the summary evaluation of Dr. Figueroa to the board members to read silently. He invited questions or discussion. There being none, Chair Baines made a motion to approve the President’s Evaluation Committee report as presented, and to send it to the acting KCTCS President, as instructed. The motion was seconded by Charlie Coleman. A roll-call vote was and was unanimous to approve. 

  5. Chairperson's Report
    Chair Baines shared that he attended a company meeting today with guest speaker James Lawrence who is an ultra-athlete. His mindset is “Today I get to….” It reminded him of the faculty and staff at Gateway, who provide the opportunity for people to have that mindset about their jobs and careers.  Chair Baines announced that John Hayden and Ruth Howell have resigned from serving on the board.

  6. President’s Report 
    Dr. Figueroa spoke about the recent celebrations of student success including nurse pinning, TRIO graduate celebration, college Commencement, and Graduate Night of Distinction. The faculty and staff met together to celebrate the end of the academic year. The Foundation Gateway to Greatness lunch will be held on May 31. Dr. Figueroa will be meeting individually with board members over the summer. Dr. Figueroa spoke about beginning his eighth year as Gateway President and the inspiration Gateway provides in our region.  His focus this summer will be developing an advocacy strategy for the next legislative session.  

  7. Adjournment

    Chair Baines called the meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.

    Prepared by Ms. Jane Frantz, Recording Secretary

    Signature on file 

Important Dates to Remember

Board Meetings 2023 - September 7, October 19, November 30