December 10, 2020, Agenda and Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Blackboard Collaborate Audio and Video Conference
Thursday, December 10, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
Board Members Present
- Ms. Morgan Arnold
- Mr. John Baines
- Mr. Larry Brown
- Mr. Charles Coleman
- Mr. Sam Collier
- Mr. Erik Hermes
- Mrs. Ruth Howell
- Mr. David Schoenling
- Mr. Charles L. Session, Jr
Board Members Absent
- Mr. John Hayden
Gateway and KCTCS Faculty and Staff Present
- Ms. Julie Althaver, Director of Development
- Ms. Jane Frantz, Executive Assistant, President’s Office
- Dr. Fernando Figueroa, President/CEO
- Dr. Denise Fritsch, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
- Ms. Christi Godman, Associate Vice President, Workforce Solutions
- Ms. Adrijana Kowatsch, Vice President Development and External Relations
- Mr. Patrick Lamping, Assistant Director, Marketing and Communications
- Mr. Steve McGuire, Senior Instructional Designer/Developer
- Mr. Doug Penix, Associate Vice President for Academic Services
- Ms. Kelly Perry, Financial Aid Advisor
- Ms. Melissa Sears, Director of Information Technology
- Mr. Paul Tontillo, Director of Budget & Fiscal Services
- Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Vice President, Academic Affairs & Provost
- Mr. Andre Washington, Associate Vice President, Enrollment
- Ms. Ingrid Washington, Vice President for Student Affairs
- Mr. Jamie Younger, Vice President, Administrative & Business Affairs
- Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call
- Board Chair John Baines, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present.
- Mission Moment
- Dr. Figueroa introduced Ms. Kelly Perry, Gateway graduate and Student Affairs Assistant.
Ms. Perry spoke about going back to college when her oldest child was also starting
college. She chose Gateway after researching many different colleges and universities.
She was able to be very involved in social activities and organizations, and
even though she was 41, she felt welcome and gained a new level of confidence. She is now attending Morehead University and working to complete a bachelor’s degree in business administration.
Several board members congratulated her and thanked her for sharing her Gateway story.
- Dr. Figueroa introduced Ms. Kelly Perry, Gateway graduate and Student Affairs Assistant.
Ms. Perry spoke about going back to college when her oldest child was also starting
college. She chose Gateway after researching many different colleges and universities.
She was able to be very involved in social activities and organizations, and
- Approval of Minutes
- Chair Baines called for a motion to approve the minutes from the October 29, 2020, meeting. Upon motion by Erik Hermes, and seconded by David Schoenling, a vote was taken to approve the October 29, 2020, minutes as presented. The vote was unanimous to approve.
- Board Meeting Dates 2021
- Chair Baines discussed the draft meeting dates that were included in the meeting materials. He recommended the October 21 date instead of October 28, because of a scheduling conflict. No board member voiced a preference for October 28. Chair Baines called for a motion to approve the meeting schedule for 2021 with the October 21 date, and all others as listed in the draft. Upon motion by Ruth Howell, and seconded by David Schoenling, a vote was taken, with unanimous approval of the motion to accept the amended 2021 meeting dates.
- Committee Reports
- Chair Baines updated the board with the committee assignments of Mr. Hermes as chair
of the Finance and Facilities committee and Mr. Collier chair of the Strategic Planning
Development committee.
- Performance Evaluation of the President Committee - Mr. Session
Mr. Session reported that the Performance Evaluation of the President committee met by phone in November. The committee will meet in January, February, March, and April 2021 to present a summary letter at the May meeting.
- Performance Evaluation of the President Committee - Mr. Session
- Chair Baines updated the board with the committee assignments of Mr. Hermes as chair
of the Finance and Facilities committee and Mr. Collier chair of the Strategic Planning
Development committee.
- Chairperson's Report
- Proclamation of Appreciation – Mr. Hermes, Chair 2019 -2020 – Chair Baines read the
proclamation to thank Mr. Hermes for serving as Chair of the Board in 2019 and 2020.
Chair Baines spoke about the annual giving campaign of the Gateway Foundation. He encouraged everyone on the Board of Directors to give.
Chair Baines spoke about looking ahead to 2021 with a theme of the three commitments and plans to help board members feel more closely connected to the college and have opportunities to be more connected to each other.
- Proclamation of Appreciation – Mr. Hermes, Chair 2019 -2020 – Chair Baines read the
proclamation to thank Mr. Hermes for serving as Chair of the Board in 2019 and 2020.
- President’s Report - Dr. Figueroa
- Dr. Figueroa introduced Adrijana Kowatsch, Vice President Development and External
Relations, to present an update on the 2021 KY legislative session and KCTCS priorities.
She invited the board members to join the Gateway Foundation Advocacy committee. The
goal of the advocacy committee is for proactive engagement
with the NKY caucus. There will be more opportunities for the board members to advocate for Gateway with their personal contacts among the NKY caucus members.
Dr. Figueroa said that Gateway is working on developing the non-education voices in conversation with the legislators to make it clear that we are part of the economic development strategy of NKY. He participated today in graduation from the Leadership KY program, and Gateway figured prominently in the NKY conversation.
Dr. Figueroa introduced Dr. Denise Fritsch, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, to present the new Gateway Vision statement. Her microphone was not working, so Dr Figueroa spoke about the process of updating the mission and then vision statements. They align with Gateway’s values, three commitments and strategic plan.
These are all incorporated into the action plans and yearly goals for each Gateway department.
Dr. Figueroa introduced Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Vice President, Academic Affairs & Provost, to speak about the SACSCOC process for reaffirmation. Dr. VonHandorf shared that Gateway received approval for a differentiated review which looks at 40 standards instead of 70 standards in the full review. The review spans several years and will be complete in 2023. The board will have a role and will continue to be involved in ongoing SACSCOC work such as securing letters of recommendation for the new paralegal program.
Dr. Figueroa introduced Mr. Andre Washington, Associate Vice President, Enrollment, Mr. Jamie Younger, Vice President, Administrative & Business Affairs, and Dr. VonHandorf to speak about current enrollment efforts and results. Mr. Washington presented slides with spring 2021 enrollment and goals and spoke about diversity and
adult student enrollment efforts and results. These reports are shared weekly with the college faculty and staff, and each employee includes specific tactics in their annual goals and objectives. Mr. Younger spoke about spring credit hour goals, projections for tuition revenue and budget shortfall, and efforts to increase enrollment that are ongoing. Dr. VonHandorf spoke about the new Bookings scheduling software that is getting good results for advising appointments, ongoing virtual enrollment events, monitoring efforts by division in order to target communications to students, Strategic Enrollment Management efforts, college-wide out of office message during the institutional close over the holidays so that students can get answers during that time, Work Ready Scholarship marketing by the System Office and Gateway, BlackBoard contract to enroll 25+ yr. old students, Winter Session of four weeks to attract visiting four-year students in the area, and re-engaging students who stopped out several years ago.
- Dr. Figueroa introduced Adrijana Kowatsch, Vice President Development and External
Relations, to present an update on the 2021 KY legislative session and KCTCS priorities.
She invited the board members to join the Gateway Foundation Advocacy committee. The
goal of the advocacy committee is for proactive engagement
- Adjournment
- Chair Baines asked if there was anything unsaid that needed to be mentioned. Mr. Session
thanked the college staff and faculty for their work for the betterment of the NKY
region. He recalled that Senator Schickel participated in the Gateway commencement
ceremony in 2019, and that as the chair of the NKY caucus, he is a
good advocate and important to keep him informed.
Chair Baines adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
- Chair Baines asked if there was anything unsaid that needed to be mentioned. Mr. Session
thanked the college staff and faculty for their work for the betterment of the NKY
region. He recalled that Senator Schickel participated in the Gateway commencement
ceremony in 2019, and that as the chair of the NKY caucus, he is a
Important Dates to Remember
- Super Someday - February 19, 2021