Naming Opportunities and Matching Gifts | GCTC

Naming Opportunities and Matching Gifts

Naming Opportunities

The naming of a building, lab, classroom or campus is often an opportunity to honor a loved one or person who made a difference in ones life. It is a lasting way for individuals, businesses and organizations to send a strong message of commitment to the rest of the community. As they lend their name to a physical area of Gateway and its expansion, donors show a strong sign of support for our current and future physical needs rapid expansion. College leadership work with donors on appropriate recognition of these generous gifts.

For more information on naming opportunities, please contact Dr. Teri VonHandorf.

Matching Gifts

Is your company a matching gift company?

More than 1,400 businesses nationwide match the contributions of their employees to community colleges. Check with your employer to determine if your gift can be matched on a 1:1 ration or more and to obtain the proper forms to direct the company's matching gift to Gateway in your name.