During the Spring 2022 semester, Gateway provided 844 individuals with 4,960 pounds
of food through the Food for Thought Pantry. 298 individuals utilized the “Grab and
Go” function of the food pantry and 486 individuals visited 1 of the 3 Food for Thought
Pantry locations in person.
Because 46 percent of Gateway's nontraditional students earn income below the poverty
threshold level, and one-third of students report making less than $10,000, the food
pantry is a critical part of Gateway’s initiative to remove nonacademic barriers to
program completion.
Campus hunger is an issue at a vast majority of postsecondary institutions, and Gateway is no exception. Gateway serves, in no small part, a vulnerable population of low to moderate-income students, and a lot of nontraditional students who typically balance family obligations and full- or part-time employment.
Students enrolled and taking classes, faculty, and staff are eligible to utilize the food pantry. Gateway’s Food for Thought Pantry was created to help remove non-academic barriers for Gateway students, giving them the best opportunity to stay in school and complete their education or career training. This would not be possible without the generous support of our donors and community partners.