December 5, 2019 Agenda and Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Center for Advanced Manufacturing – Convening Center, B123
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
6:30 p.m.
Board Members Present
- Mr. John Baines
- Ms. Savannah Buck
- Mr. Charles Coleman
- Mr. Sam Collier
- Mr. Erik Hermes
- Mr. Ken Paul
- Mr. David Schoenling
- Mr. Charles L. Session, Jr.
- Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow
Board Members Absent
Gateway and KCTCS Faculty and Staff Present
- Mr. Tim Chesser, Director of Safety and Security
- Ms. Jane Frantz, Executive Assistant, President’s Office
- Dr. Fernando Figueroa, President/CEO
- Ms. Adrijana Kowatsch, Vice President Development and External Relations
- Mr. Patrick Lamping, Creative Strategies Coordinator
- Mr. Tyler Palmer, Event Service Manager
- Mr. Doug Penix, Associate Vice President for Academic Services
- Mr. Stephen Popple, Director of Knowledge Management
- Ms. Dina Shields, Workforce Training Project Manager
- Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Vice President, Academic Affairs
- Mr. Andre Washington, Associate Vice President, Enrollment
- Ms. Ingrid Washington, Vice President Student Support Services
- Mr. Jamie Younger, Vice President, Administrative & Business Affairs
- Ms. Adrienne Kearns
- Ms. Taylor Stewart
- Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call
- Board Chair Julie Smith-Morrow, called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present.
- Mission Moment
- Dr. Figueroa introduced Ms. Taylor Stewart, a Gateway graduate, to share her Gateway
story. Ms. Stewart is a 2016 Gateway graduate with an Associate Degree in Business
Management. She started taking Gateway dual credit classes while in high school, graduated
from high school, and then continued at Gateway for another year. She transferred
to the University of Kentucky to complete a bachelor’s degree. She graduated debt
free, thanks in part to a transfer scholarship.
After graduation from UK, she was hired at Deloitte, and then obtained a job as a Human Resources professional with Enable Injections. She has become involved with the Gateway Foundation, helping kick-start the Gateway Alumni engagement efforts.
Dr. Figueroa thanked Ms. Stewart for being a strong advocate for Gateway and congratulated her on her successful employment journey.
- Dr. Figueroa introduced Ms. Taylor Stewart, a Gateway graduate, to share her Gateway
story. Ms. Stewart is a 2016 Gateway graduate with an Associate Degree in Business
Management. She started taking Gateway dual credit classes while in high school, graduated
from high school, and then continued at Gateway for another year. She transferred
to the University of Kentucky to complete a bachelor’s degree. She graduated debt
free, thanks in part to a transfer scholarship.
- Approval of Minutes
- Chair Smith-Morrow called for a motion to approve the minutes from the October 24, 2019, meeting. Upon motion by Mr. Collier, and seconded by Mr. Schoenling, the minutes of October 24, 2019, Board of Directors meeting were unanimously approved as presented and distributed.
- Mission Statement Approval
- Dr. Figueroa reviewed the steps included in the mission statement revision process. The strategic planning development committee met, discussed the mission statement approved by the college, and approved the version presented at this board meeting. Dr. Figueroa read the mission statement that is included in the board packets. Upon motion by Mr. Baines, and seconded by Mr. Hermes, the mission statement was unanimously approved as presented and distributed.
- Committee Reports
- Strategic Planning Development Committee – Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow, on behalf of committee
chair Ken Paul, distributed a committee report and reviewed the mission statement
process that the committee followed. The committee also updated the pocket advocacy
piece at the last meeting. This is the folded page of college information resulting
from Mr. Paul’s idea for a 60 second elevator speech for use by board members for
community advocacy. The current version is in the board packet. Dr. Smith-Morrow suggested
that the college review it each year, possibly in the fall before the January start
of the legislative session. Dr. Smith-Morrow spoke about the Key Performance Indicators
dashboard, which is updated on a cycle as the
numbers are available. - Finance and Facilities Committee – Mr. Hermes noted that the committee met immediately
before this board meeting, for the purpose of orienting new members and planning the
budget process. Mr. Younger has established a budget development schedule. The 2020
Kentucky General Assembly legislative session will affect what is in the college budget.
The next committee meeting will be the week of March 23, 2020,
with a report of what’s happening in Frankfort. - Performance Evaluation of the President Committee - Mr. Session said that the committee
completed the evaluation in May 2019. Dr. Figueroa’s goals for the 2019-2020 academic
year are included in the board packet. In January 2020 the committee will meet to
review the evaluation process will begin the process in March 2020. Mr. Session read
and highlighted the goals. The evaluation committee will look at key performance indicators
and metrics to fairly and respectfully evaluate the outcomes. Mr. Session said that
Dr. Figueroa is putting a lot of effort and time into making sure
he is performing, achieving, and adding value to the college. The focus is on the process of improvement and execution and adding value to the NKY community.
A short discussion of goals and the reporting of the key performance indicators followed. Dr. Figueroa noted that he will continue to report on outcomes and that the goals are for the whole college. Dr. Smith-Morrow said that Dr. Box and Dr. Figueroa have listened and are working together on goals that the board can measure and that reflect the suggestions of the board.
- Strategic Planning Development Committee – Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow, on behalf of committee
chair Ken Paul, distributed a committee report and reviewed the mission statement
process that the committee followed. The committee also updated the pocket advocacy
piece at the last meeting. This is the folded page of college information resulting
from Mr. Paul’s idea for a 60 second elevator speech for use by board members for
community advocacy. The current version is in the board packet. Dr. Smith-Morrow suggested
that the college review it each year, possibly in the fall before the January start
of the legislative session. Dr. Smith-Morrow spoke about the Key Performance Indicators
dashboard, which is updated on a cycle as the
- Chairperson's Report
- Chair Smith-Morrow began the Chairperson’s report by explaining that there will be
a slight change to the Gateway board minutes posted on the website. The posted minutes
will list the date and indicate “signature on file” instead of being a scanned copy
of the signed minutes.
Chair Smith-Morrow gave a brief summary of the legislative meeting with KCTCS President Box at Gateway on December 3 at which Dr. Box presented two requests for the upcoming budget session. He said that Kentucky
postsecondary schools are requesting these together with th e Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE): 1. An increase in performance funding by 10% toward the goal being fully funded. 2. An increase for dual-credit support from one-third to one-half of the tuition rate. Dr. Figueroa spoke about KCTCS being the answer to
workforce development in the state and shared that Gateway is the first in the state to receive Kentucky Department of Labor registration for the Kentucky Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (KY FAME) apprenticeship program.
- Chair Smith-Morrow began the Chairperson’s report by explaining that there will be
a slight change to the Gateway board minutes posted on the website. The posted minutes
will list the date and indicate “signature on file” instead of being a scanned copy
of the signed minutes.
- President’s Report - Dr. Figueroa
- Dr. Figueroa asked for input from the board members regarding the topics of Gateway
partnerships with businesses and businesses understanding their roles in community
and economic development. He asked the board members what resonates and what do they
see that we need to pay attention to, when they talk with people about investment,
especially in terms of talent or education. Gateway has data on the return on investment
of Gateway education and wants more companies to invest with Gateway. Board members
offered the following:
- Folks do business with people they enjoy. As people get to know each other and feel more comfortable, they want to learn more. It’s important to establish those relationships, as highlighted in the advocacy document, so that people are willing to take a risk to partner with the college and make an investment.
- Gateway has done a much better job of listening and responding to what people and businesses want. The college is creating better solutions based on the changing environment. The college is making an impact. Don’t let the foot off the gas.
- There is a difference in company support between programs. Gateway can do more to communicate the “why” answer for why a company should partner with Gateway. The FAME students are so proud of the companies they work for and that the employers paid for their college.
- Dr. Figueroa introduced Mr. Steve Popple, Director of Knowledge Management, to speak
about the Key Performance Indicators under each of the five planks of the strategic
plan. The presentation was provided in the board packet and filed with the meeting
Dr. Figueroa introduced Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, to speak about academic partnership updates. The presentation was provided in the board packet and filed with the meeting record. She listed all the career and technical education areas in the five sectors that are expanding through customized partnerships with the area technical schools, school districts, and four-year universities.
Dr. Figueroa highlighted two community announcements. He said that the City of Covington announced its plan for Hotel Covington to develop the YMCA building and the bookstore building, with Gateway as the preferred provider for education and training. The second item was the announcement by Education and Workforce
Development Secretary Ramsey for the KTECH grant to support a program manager to organize schools around apprenticeships. Gateway is starting with St Elizabeth as the model for co-ops and apprenticeships and will expand it out from there. Gateway is the first registered apprenticeship provider in the state of Kentucky.
The full report was included in the board packet and placed on file.
- Dr. Figueroa asked for input from the board members regarding the topics of Gateway
partnerships with businesses and businesses understanding their roles in community
and economic development. He asked the board members what resonates and what do they
see that we need to pay attention to, when they talk with people about investment,
especially in terms of talent or education. Gateway has data on the return on investment
of Gateway education and wants more companies to invest with Gateway. Board members
offered the following:
- Adjournment
- Upon motion by Mr. Collier, and seconded by Mr. Schoenling, Chair Smith-Morrow adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Important Dates to Remember
- Board Meeting February 6, 2020
- Board Meeting April 30, 2020
- Graduation May 14, 2020
- Board Meeting May 28, 2020