October 24, 2019 Agenda and Minutes | GCTC

October 24, 2019 Agenda and Minutes

Board of Directors Annual Meeting

Thursday, October 24, 2019
Center for Advanced Manufacturing – Convening Center, B123
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
6:30 p.m. 

Board Members Present

  • Ms. Savannah Buck
  • Mr. Charles Coleman
  • Mr. Sam Collier
  • Mr. Erik Hermes
  • Mr. David Schoenling
  • Mr. Charles L. Session, Jr.
  • Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow

Board Members Absent

  • Mr. John Baines
  • Mr. Ken Paul

Gateway and KCTCS Faculty and Staff Present

  • Ms. Julie Althaver, Director of Development
  • Mr. Tim Chesser, Director of Safety and Security
  • Ms. Jane Frantz, Executive Assistant, President’s Office
  • Dr. Fernando Figueroa, President/CEO
  • Ms. Adrijana Kowatsch, Vice President Development and External Relations
  • Mr. Patrick Lamping, Creative Strategies Coordinator
  • Mr. Doug Penix, Associate Vice President for Academic Services
  • Mr. Stephen Popple, Director of Knowledge Management
  • Ms. Dina Shields, Workforce Training Project Manager
  • Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Vice President, Academic Affairs
  • Mr. Jamie Younger, Vice President, Administrative & Business Affairs


  • Ms. Debbie Cannatella
  • Ms. Momoka Kinder


  1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call
    • Board Chair Julie Smith-Morrow, called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present.
  2. Mission Moment
    • Dr. Figueroa introduced and showed a short video from Fox19 News featuring Gateway’s installation during the BLINK event in Cincinnati and Covington. Board member Schoenling explained that the student speaker for the mission moment, Momoka Kinder, was one of the key contributors to the interactive games on display during BLINK. He invited her to speak about her Gateway experience as a CIT student.

      Ms. Kinder introduced herself as a United States permanent resident from Japan since 2017. When she arrived in the U.S., she already had a degree and work experience in sales and IT consulting. She expected to be able to find similar work but could not get a comparable corporate job. She decided to pursue more education, and she considered a for-profit program. She chose Gateway, which was the right decision, because of cyber security classes and the opportunities she’s taken to get involved in projects and gain a broader view of IT in the US.

      Dr. Figueroa thanked her for helping Gateway stay on the map with the BLINK participation. 
  3. Approval of Minutes
    • Chair Smith-Morrow called for a motion to approve the minutes from the September 12, 2019, meeting. Upon motion by Mr. Collier, and seconded by Mr. Session, the minutes of September 12, 2019, Board of Directors meeting were unanimously approved as presented and distributed.
  4. Board Documents
    • Chair Smith-Morrow noted that two revised documents from the Attorney General have been distributed to the board members via email and the board packets. She asked the board members to sign the Proof of Receipt form and return it to Ms. Frantz tonight, if they have not done so already. 
  5. Annual Committee Reports
    • Chair Smith-Morrow spoke briefly about the annual reports and asked committee chairs to comment on their reports. The annual reports were added to the meeting file.
      1. Finance and Facilities Committee – Mr. Hermes
      2. Strategic Planning Development Committee – Chair Smith-Morrow on behalf of committee chair Mr. Paul
      3. Governance Committee – Mr. Hermes and Chair Smith-Morrow on behalf of Mr. Paul
      4. Performance Evaluation of the President Committee - Mr. Session
      5. Nominating committee – no expiring terms based on two year positions, no report – Mr. Hermes
      6. Executive Committee – Chair Smith-Morrow
  6. Proposed 2020 Meeting Schedule
    • Chair Smith-Morrow called attention to the proposed 2020 meeting schedule that was distributed to the board members for consideration before the meeting. Chair Smith-Morrow called for a motion to approve the 2020 board meeting schedule. Upon motion by Mr. Session, and seconded by Mr. Hermes, the 2020 board meeting schedule was unanimously approved as presented and distributed. Chair Smith-Morrow noted that there is a long break between the February and April meeting, which will be good time for committees to meet. 
  7. Chairperson's Report
    • Chair Smith-Morrow presented the Chairperson’s report and reminded the board that the annual meeting is important for filing the committee annual reports and finalizing the meeting schedule for the next calendar year. She suggested that the committees might like to meet before the December meeting to set the stage for what is to come in the next year.  
  8. President’s Report - Dr. Figueroa
    • Dr. Figueroa introduced the Vice President of Development and External Relations, Adrijana Kowatsch, to speak about the Foundation’s work on external relations and the Gateway board’s role in advocacy. Ms. Kowatsch said the Gateway Foundation’s focus is on securing private support of Gateway’s mission and programs, fundraising infrastructure, and strategic priorities. Ms. Kowatsch introduced a new member of her team, Director of Development Julie Althaver.

      Ms. Kowatsch presented her list of the top eight projects the Foundation is raising money for. The list includes a career hub, an allied health hub, Tri-State Scholars scholarships, student ambassadors scholarships, student emergency fund, student childcare center, student food pantry, and a staff and faculty development fund.

      Ms. Kowatsch presented a scorecard for the areas of focus, including the numbers and goals for private funds raised, alumni and stakeholder engagement, brand awareness, and operational processes. She said that the path forward is based on brand elevation, advocacy, and case expression. She distributed samples of the draft case expression booklet that contains student stories to let people know who Gateway serves and how Gateway provides growth and innovation for the region. The case study has been funded by the Title III grant.

      Dr Figueroa provided the following updates:
      • The sale of the YMCA to the City of Covington has been approved by the Kentucky secretary of finance and will proceed, and Gateway’s Covington focus continues to be student success in the urban core. Gateway and the city of Covington will release a joint announcement.
      • Gateway has recently received national recognition. Associate Vice President of Workforce Solutions Christi Godman has been invited to participate in a national conversation in Washington, DC, with the United States Chamber of Commerce, to speak about Gateway’s innovative enhanced operator model.
      • Next week Dr. Figueroa will participate in a meeting on the topic of Campus Climate Diversity Surveys at the American Association of Community Colleges in Washington, DC. He was asked by KCTCS to represent Kentucky’s community colleges at this meeting.
      • Enrollment tracker – Gateway is one of the top three of the KCTCS colleges making progress on adult learner enrollment and increasing revenue overall. Increased enrollment represents many partnerships that Gateway has been developing over the past several years.
      • The Advocacy in Action pocket document (included in the board packet) and the case document will clarify information and be useful to board members in advocating for the college. 
    • Dr. Figueroa answered two questions resulting from the September board meeting – 1. Regarding the dual credit tuition increase request, KCTCS understands that there are enough funds in the dual-credit scholarship allocations by the state, and the increase will not be a burden to the student. 2. Referring to the request for increasing performance funding by 10% in the next biennium. This is the CPE (Council on Postsecondary Education) recommendation, four-year institutions in the state are supporting an increase, and KCTCS will provide more details specific to the percentage increase.

      Dr. Figueroa announced that on December 11, 2019, Dr. Box will meet with legislators at Gateway as part of his state-wide fall tour to four regions of the state. We are the host college for the Northern Kentucky region. Board members are invited to attend the event.

      Dr. Figueroa said that Gateway is working with Kristin Baldwin, the advocacy committee of the Foundation, and the chairs of the pillars of GrowNKY on a regional strategy on workforce training in order to ask legislators about policy opportunities instead of asking for money.

      Dr. Figueroa said that the theme in his meetings is bringing key players in the region together around several concepts, which are Who are we as Northern Kentucky; if OneNKY is successful, what does that look like; and to create a dashboard for the region to look at key factors contributing to a healthy and successful region. More
      data will enable the region to track these factors and help in aligning our credentials and programs.

      Dr. Figueroa said that in follow-up to the board’s question from the last meeting (what does winning look like?), the board is tasked with answering the next question: what kind of messages or presentation do we need to utilize in to increase business engagement? Dr. Figueroa would like this topic to be a conversation at the December board meeting.

      Mr. Session spoke about the example of the high school which had 180 graduates in one year who were found to have no job and who did not go to college. He asked if anyone has asked the students themselves why they didn’t go to college? It would provide a better understanding of the obstacles they face. Dr. Figueroa agreed and
      said that we are working with NKCAC, which is looking at that problem and question in the City Heights neighborhood. 
  9. Adjournment
    • Upon motion by Mr. Collier, and seconded by Mr. Schoenling, Chair Smith-Morrow adjourned the meeting at 8 p.m.

Important Dates to Remember

  • Manufacturing Day for high school students (9 a.m. Boone campus) October 25, 2019
  • Dean’s List Celebration (6 – 7:30 p.m. Convening Center) October 28, 2019
  • LIFT the TriState Graduation (2 p.m. Convening Center) November 1, 2019
  • Board Meeting December 5, 2019
  • Graduation May 14, 2020