April 25, 2019 Agenda and Minutes | GCTC

Inclement Weather

All Gateway campuses will be closed Wednesday, January 8, to allow for continued clean-up efforts by our dedicated M&O team and local county road crews. Faculty and staff will transition to remote work and services. Find the full inclement weather plan at gctc.info/weather.

April 25, 2019 Agenda and Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, April 25, 2019
Center for Advanced Manufacturing – Convening Center, B123
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
6:30 p.m.

Board Members Present

  • Ms. Sarah Bryant
  • Mr. Sam Collier
  • Mr. Erik Hermes
  • Mr. Ken Paul
  • Mr. David Schoenling
  • Mr. Charles L. Session, Jr.
  • Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow

Board Members Absent

  • Ms. Ivy Velez

Gateway and KCTCS Faculty and Staff Present

  • Mr. Tim Chesser, Director of Safety and Security
  • Ms. Denise Critchelow, Ready to Work Coordinator
  • Ms. Jane Frantz, Executive Assistant, President's Office
  • Dr. Fernando Figueroa, President/CEO
  • Ms. Christi Godman, Associate Vice President, Workforce Solutions
  • Mr. Patrick Lamping, Creative Strategies Coordinator
  • Ms. Sandra Ortman-Tomlin, Director of Development
  • Mr. Doug Penix, Associate Vice President, Academic Services
  • Mr. Stephen Popple, Director of Knowledge Management
  • Ms. Christina Powers, Coordinator, Ready-to-Work and Work and Learn
  • Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Vice President, Academic Affairs
  • Ms. Ingrid Washington, Vice President, Student Development
  • Ms. Connie Wiedeman, Human Resources Coordinator
  • Mr. Jamie Younger, Vice President, Administrative & Business Affairs


  • Ms. Debbie Cannatella


  1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call
    • Board Chair Julie Smith-Morrow, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present.
  2. Approval of Minutes
    • Chair Smith-Morrow called for a motion to approve the minutes from the February 7, 2019, meeting. Upon motion by Mr. Session, and seconded by Mr. Schoenling, the minutes of February 7, 2019, Board of Directors meeting were unanimously approved as presented and distributed.
  3. Chairperson's Report
    • Chair Smith-Morrow mentioned the many events scheduled in May. She presented a summary of activities for the board since the February meeting and stated that she is very excited about the River Cities Project, and has heard good things about it at the Newport Independent School Board. She attended a meeting convened by the Scripps-Howard Foundation at NKU that focused on Newport, and the percentage of the population that does not obtain post-secondary education.

      At the invitation of Chair Smith-Morrow and Dr. Figueroa, Denise Critchelow, Coordinator of the Gateway Ready to Work program introduced Ms. Carla Usman to speak about her Gateway experience. Ms. Usman stated that she graduated from Pendleton County high school, is an honors student at Gateway, and that she will graduate from Gateway in May with an AAS in Education. She will transfer to NKU to complete a bachelor degree through the Gateway2NKU program. Ms. Usman said that through the Ready to Work program at Gateway she has found work in her field of elementary education. She credited Gateway faculty and advisers for helping her succeed and have the confidence to go on for a bachelor degree.
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Finance and Facilities Committee - Committee Chair Hermes reported that the Finance and Facilities committee will meet next week to review the budget, which will be presented at the next board meeting for approval.
    2. Strategic Planning Development Committee - Committee Chair Paul reported that since the last board meeting the committee approved a draft statement of purpose, and Dr. Figueroa and Mr. Younger gave the committee an update on the Urban Metro Campus.
    3. Performance Evaluation of the President Committee - Committee Chair Session reported that the committee met two times recently to prepare and work on the President's Evaluation. He said that the process for the evaluation occurs in May, and that it is critically important for everyone to understand the transparency, engagement and overall opportunity this presents. He asked each board member to complete the evaluation with the respect they would want someone to offer to them. He said that the committee is fully engaged, and the board is invested in Dr. Figueroa and the
      Northern Kentucky community.

      Chair Session outlined the calendar of events for the evaluation process: The evaluation form that was distributed to each board member at the meeting is due back to Mr. Session by May 3. On Monday, May 6, the committee will meet to review the evaluations and summarize them. On May 22, the board chair and evaluation committee chair will meet with Dr. Figueroa to present the evaluation summary. On May 23 a draft summary review will be presented to the full board. The board will vote on that and the committee chair will send it to Dr. Box by June 1. Mr. Session said that he will email all of the documents to the board members so that they can return them to him in whichever method is most convenient -US mail or email.
    4. Executive Committee - Committee Chair Smith-Morrow reported that the committee met on March 21 to discuss all of the steps that needed to be complete this spring and to create the Executive Committee's statement of purpose.
  5. Committee Statement of Purpose Review and Approval
    • Chair Smith-Morrow spoke about the statements of purpose, which were written by each of the board committees, as required by the board bylaws. Rules of procedure or policy guidelines are also required, and with the process for many committees being very fluid, and/or set by the KCTCS System Office calendar, a general statement of process is included in the statement of purpose.

      Ms. Velez worked on the Governance Committee statement with Dr.Smith-Morrow. After the board members reviewed the statements, Mr. Session made a motion to approve the committee purpose statements as presented. Mr. Hermes seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
  6. President’s Report - Dr. Figueroa
    • Dr. Figueroa reminded everyone of the college's three commitments: access to education and training, relevant and engaging curriculum, and removing barriers. Dr. Figueroa introduced Mr. Stephen Popple, Director of Knowledge Management, to present the updated metrics from the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) document.
      Mr. Popple reported that in response to a request at the February meeting of the Strategic Plan Development Committee, each plank in the KPI has been attached or summarized in one word. They are: 1. Marketing, 2. Enrollment, 3. Success, 4. Retention, and 5. Support. He then presented KPI updates on applicant matriculation, dual credit enrollment, and dual credit student matriculation within three years of graduation. His presentation was followed by discussion, which included the federally reported graduation rate and a request to follow-up with a detailed explanation of that measure at a future board meeting.

      Dr. Figueroa introduced Ms. Sandra Ortman-Tomlin, Director of Development, to present information about her work that supports the fifth plank of the strategic plan. Plank 5 includes the strategic priorities of fiscal, physical, and human resources. Ms. Ortman-Tomlin's presentation demonstrated that these priorities in Plank 5 have been supported and developed through grants and special projects. She presented a list of key initiatives at Gateway that were initiated and refined through the incubation opportunities provided by grants.

      Dr. Figueroa presented an update on the Urban Metro Campus 2.0. The previously presented Ql goals were achieved. Q2 included three parts. The RFP for the YMCA for a public-private partnership did not result in a workable project that would fit with the mission of the college, and a decision was reached to sell the YMCA building. Dr. Figueroa said that the sale process will include advertising, bid collection by the KCTCS System Office, and fair market value evaluation. He said the proceeds will be used to repurpose the Two Rivers building. Dr Figueroa said that he will keep the board up-to-date on the process.

      Dr. Figueroa continued with a River Cities Project update that enrolling students in phase 1 of the River Cities Project has begun. Dr. VonHandorf updated the board by stating that meetings with the school districts are continuing, the CIT program has 18 seats, and Supply Chain has 26 seats. She said that these classes are being
      expanded for multi-generational participation.

      The messaging campaign was the third of the Q2 goals. Dr. Figueroa listed his one-one conversations with legislators and a series of meetings with Covington, city administrators, and key players in the community social safety net to identify the opportunities to reach adult learners and the under-employed. He said that he is
      working toward formal arrangements to bring partners together.

      Dr. Figueroa spoke about the availability of a fund balance that will be invested in the college for projects with potential for quick impact toward increasing enrollment and diversity in our student body. A portion of the Title Ill grant funded the Big Idea competition, with the winning proposal, Becoming a Trauma Informed College. Dr.
      Figueroa invited the board members' input and ideas for investing the other funds to generate new revenue, donors or enrollment. Several ideas were proposed. The President's report was placed on file
  7. Adjournment
    • Upon motion by Mr. Paul, and seconded by Mr. Schoenling, Chair Smith-Morrow adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.

Important Dates to Remember

  • Mayors Breakfast - May 1, 2019
  • Transportation Construction Certificate Graduation - May 3, 2019
  • Nurse Pinning - May 9, 2019
  • Night of Excellence - May 14, 2019
  • Graduation - May 16, 2019
  • River City Project Multi-Generational Kick-off - May 22, 2019
  • Board Meeting - May 23, 2019
  • LIFT Graduation - May 31, 2019