February 7, 2019 Agenda and Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Center for Advanced Manufacturing – Convening Center, B123
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042
6:30 p.m.
Board Members Present
- Mr. Sam Collier
- Mr. Erik Hermes
- Mr. David Schoenling
- Mr. Charles L. Session, Jr.
- Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow
Board Members Absent
- Ms. Sarah Bryant
- Mr. Ken Paul
- Ms. Ivy Velez
Gateway and KCTCS Faculty and Staff Present
- Ms. Frannie Bennett, Gateway Foundation Administrator
- Mr. Tim Chesser, Director of Safety and Security
- Dr. Amber Decker, Vice President, Development
- Ms. Jane Frantz, Executive Assistant, President's Office
- Dr. Fernando Figueroa, President/CEO
- Ms. Mallis Graves, Associate Vice President for Student Development, Title IX Coordinator
- Ms. Amy Hatfield, Acting Director of Human Resources
- Mr. Patrick Lamping, Creative Strategies Coordinator
- Ms. Erica Marye, Digital Marketing Manager
- Ms. Toni Mueller, Development Specialist
- Ms. Sandra Ortman-Tomlin, Grants Manager
- Mr. Doug Penix, Associate Vice President for Academic Services
- Mr. Stephen Popple, Director of Knowledge Management
- Ms. Christina Powers, Ready to Work
- Ms. Kristen Smitherman-Voltaire, Director of Diversity, Inclusion, & Community Engagement
- Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Vice President, Academic Affairs
- Ms. Ingrid Washington, Vice President, Student Development
- Mr. Jamie Younger, Vice President, Administrative & Business Affairs
- Ms. Debbie Cannatella
- Ms. Shellie Baker, Lincoln Grant Scholar House
- Mr. Devon Hoffman
- Ms. Carrissa Day
- Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call - Chair Smith-Morrow
- Board Chair Julie Smith-Morrow, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken. The record will reflect that a quorum was present. The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a moment of silence
- Approval of Minutes
- Chair Smith-Morrow called for a motion to approve the minutes from the December 6, 2018, meeting. Upon motion by Mr. Schoenling, and seconded by Mr. Session, the minutes of December 6, 2018, Board of Directors meeting were unanimously approved as presented and distributed.
- Chairperson's Report
- Chair Smith-Morrow introduced Dr. Figueroa who asked Ingrid Washington to introduce
Mr. Devon Hoffman. He is a Gateway student who was invited to speak about the impact
of Gateway on his life. He is enrolled in the welding program, is working toward an
Associate Degree, participates in the Gateway Ready to Work program, and is a resident
of the Lincoln Grant Scholar House in Covington. He received the NKY Scholar House
scholarship for the spring 2019 semester. He spoke about initially looking for a welding
certification and being inspired to pursue a degree. He became homeless soon after
he started back to school, and found housing and support from the Lincoln Grant Scholar
House community. He loves learning at Gateway.
Chair Smith-Morrow called on Mr.Hermes to present the Six-Year Capital Plan resolution. The minutes follow in the Finance and Facilities Committee report.
After the vote on the resolution, Chair Smith-Morrow continued the Chairperson's report: Items were collected tonight for the Gateway food pantry which provides some needed items that cannot be purchased with federal SNAP funds. Chair Smith-Morrow reviewed the spring calendar items and asked the board members make it a high priority to attend the KCTCS College Board Workshop in Versailles on March 1. Chair Smith-Morrow, along with Dr. Figueroa, recently met with Mr. Damon Allen, a new member of the KCTCS Board of Regents and a resident of NKY. Chair Smith-Morrow attended the Gateway Foundation Board meeting and reports that they had a successful audit with zero findings, Riverblast 2019 will be the last one as the Foundation will be pursuing other fundraising opportunities in the future, and the Dye Company did a case expression study for the Foundation.
- Chair Smith-Morrow introduced Dr. Figueroa who asked Ingrid Washington to introduce
Mr. Devon Hoffman. He is a Gateway student who was invited to speak about the impact
of Gateway on his life. He is enrolled in the welding program, is working toward an
Associate Degree, participates in the Gateway Ready to Work program, and is a resident
of the Lincoln Grant Scholar House in Covington. He received the NKY Scholar House
scholarship for the spring 2019 semester. He spoke about initially looking for a welding
certification and being inspired to pursue a degree. He became homeless soon after
he started back to school, and found housing and support from the Lincoln Grant Scholar
House community. He loves learning at Gateway.
- Committee Reports
- A. Finance and Facilities Committee - Resolution 03-2018_19 Six Year Capital Plan
Committee Chair Erik Hermes reported that the Finance and Facilities Committee met with Mr. Jamie Younger, VP, Administrative & Business Affairs about the Six Year Capital Plan approval process and the plan. He stated that the committee has no reservations about the plan. As chairperson, Mr. Hermes recommends passing the resolution being brought to the board tonight for a vote. He asked Mr. Younger to give a summary explanation of the Capital Plan, and Mr. Younger reviewed the requests included in the capital plan. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Hermes made a motion to approve. It was seconded by Mr. Collier, and the resolution 03-2018_19 Six Year Capital Plan was approved as presented and distributed.
- A. Finance and Facilities Committee - Resolution 03-2018_19 Six Year Capital Plan
- Annual Mission Statement Review
- Chair Smith-Morrow introduced Mr. Jamie Younger to discuss the annual review of the
college mission statement. The board does a yearly review and re-affirmation of the
college mission statement, which is what is being requested tonight. Every third year
it is presented to the KCTCS Board of Regents, and that will occur next in fiscal
year 2019-20. Over the course of the coming year Gateway will involve internal and
stakeholders for a complete review and revision of the mission statement to be sure it aligns with the strategic plan and best support our faculty and staff and the success of our students. Chair Smith-Morrow asked if there were any questions. There were none. Mr. Schoenling made a motion to reaffirm the current mission statement. The motion was seconded by Mr. Session. All voted in favor of the motion.
- Chair Smith-Morrow introduced Mr. Jamie Younger to discuss the annual review of the
college mission statement. The board does a yearly review and re-affirmation of the
college mission statement, which is what is being requested tonight. Every third year
it is presented to the KCTCS Board of Regents, and that will occur next in fiscal
year 2019-20. Over the course of the coming year Gateway will involve internal and
- President’s Report - Dr. Figueroa
- Dr.Figueroa reminded the board of the college's three commitments: access to education
and training, relevant and engaging curriculum, and removing barriers. Dr.Figueroa
asked Ms. Mallis Graves, Associate Vice President for Student Development and Title
IX Coordinator, and Ms. Kristen Smitherman-Voltaire, Director of Diversity,
Inclusion, & Community Engagement, to present information about their work toward removing barriers, which falls under plank four of the strategic plan. They spoke about how the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, Student Support Services, and the Diversity and Inclusion plan actively support plank four. The three key concepts presented were 1.Gateway students have complex needs. 2. Gateway is actively creating a welcoming community conducive to the success of all learners. 3. Gateway is committed to supporting its students holistically. The complete presentation is placed on file.
Dr. Figueroa then asked Dr. Teri VonHandorf, Vice President of Academic Affairs, to present a spring 2019 enrollment update that is included in the board packet and is placed on file. She reported efforts to bolster spring and summer enrollment and look at opportunities for increasing enrollment in specific programs.
Dr. Figueroa reviewed the first quarter goals for Urban Metro Campus (UMC) 2.0 and informed the board that the timeline has been met.
Dr. Figueroa announced that Dr. Amber Decker is moving on after 19 years at Gateway, most recently as the Vice President of Development, to a national role at Knowledge Works. There is a transition plan in place. Dr. Decker thanked the board for their service and said that she leaves a big part of herself behind at Gateway. She has confidence in her team to continue the work.
- Dr.Figueroa reminded the board of the college's three commitments: access to education
and training, relevant and engaging curriculum, and removing barriers. Dr.Figueroa
asked Ms. Mallis Graves, Associate Vice President for Student Development and Title
IX Coordinator, and Ms. Kristen Smitherman-Voltaire, Director of Diversity,
- Adjournment
- Upon motion by Mr. Hermes, and seconded by Mr. Session, Chair Smith-Morrow adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Important Dates to Remember
- Super Someday - February 21, 2019
KCTCS College Board Workshop - March 1, 2019
Board Meeting - April 25, 2019
Night of Excellence - May 14, 2019
Graduation - May 16, 2019
Board Meeting - May 23, 2019