May 24, 2018 Agenda and Minutes | GCTC

May 24, 2018 Agenda and Minutes

Board of Directors MEeting

Thursday, May 24, 2018, 6 p.m.
Center for Advanced Manufacturing – Convening Center, B123
500 Technology Way, Florence, KY 41042

Board Members Present

  • Mr. Ken Paul
  • Mr. Sam Collier
  • Mr. Daniel Ridley
  • Mr. Jeff Groob
  • Mr. Charles L. Session, Jr.
  • Mr. Erik Hermes
  • Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow
  • Ms. Ivy Velez

Board Members Absent

  • Mrs. Sonja Adams
  • Ms. Viviane Johnson

Gateway and KCTCS Faculty and Staff Present

  • Dr. Fernando Figueroa, President/CEO
  • Dr. Amber Decker, Vice President, Development
  • Patrick Lamping, Assistant Director, Marketing and Communications 


  1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence/Roll Call - Chair Paul
    • Chair, Ken Paul, called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. The board recited the Pledge of
      Allegiance and observed a moment of silence. Chair Paul called roll. The record will reflect that a quorum was present.
  2. Approval of Minutes
    • Chair Paul called for a motion to approve the minutes from the April 19 meeting. Upon motion by Chuck Session, and seconded by Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow, the minutes of April 19, 2018 Board of Directors meeting were approved as presented and distributed. 
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Finance & Facilities Committee
      Mr. Erik Hermes spoke about the budget process and referred to the budget narrative and other information included in the board packet and on file.

      Upon motion by Erik Hermes, and seconded by Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow, the Budget Resolution 01-2018-19 was approved as presented and distributed. 
    2. Evaluation of the President Committee
      Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow reviewed the committee summary statement that if approved, will be sent directly to Dr. Jay Box to serve as the Gateway Board of Director’s evaluation of the president.

      Upon motion by Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow, and seconded by Erik Hermes, a vote was taken. Six board members voted in favor, one member voted no, and one member abstained. The President’s Evaluation Summary letter was approved as presented and distributed. 
    3. Strategic Planning Development Committee
      there was nothing to report. 
    4. Governance Committee
      there was nothing to report.
  4. Chairman's Report
    • Chair Paul spoke about Night of Excellence and invited the board to attend it next year. A copy of the program was included in the board folder. 
  5. President's Report
    • Dr. Figueroa referenced a full report in the board folder. He reported on the Night of Excellence, Graduation, expanded IT offering at Urban Metro Campus, the Leadership Northern Kentucky session at Gateway, Gateway LEAD XI graduation, and introduced the new Gateway professional development LEAD 2.0 program. 
  6. Adjournment
    • Upon motion by Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow, and seconded by Sam Collier, Chair Paul adjourned the meeting at 6:29 p.m.

Important Dates to Remember

  • Board of Regents Meeting – Community Breakfast - June 15
  • Board Meeting - September 13
  • Board Meeting - October 25
  • Board Meeting - December 6